high quality config

post very detailed, ultra mega power quality configs pics xD
fucking awesome ;)
that actually makes et look nice , yees rly "N I C E " :D

the radar one is awesome hehe
image: Batery_1 one of my favourites
but its a movie config :/

but thats really awesome :D
It's not a movie config, it's an image. =)

movie config + custom textures + capture with motion blur + post processing
verry verry nice config :)
thats what i call sexy !
Just checking your pics,they are awesome. Would it be ok to use some pieces of your screens for news banners or logos etc?
Yeah its ok for me since no one get credits (example: ppl downloading adze movie just because the pic look interesting -> one of my pics without ask me :f )
what a fag eh? copyright it and sue him
I dont need this since i dont really care. I just want a big of respect atleast (he could hav asked me before use it.. but its still nP )
as if you mention the "could ask" in every reply you seem to be angry about it.

listen to my words ag0n! <3
As i said, i want a bit of respect only. I dont really care if someone take my screens to make baners. But if someone take my screens, write some random letters using mspaint.exe and say "hey. look its my movie. there is a screen: fddsfs " isnt that nice. But still.. i dont really care at all :) I have alot of important things to worrie about
just before it was a big respect
just make a similar one urself with photoshop curves
Got no photoshop :<
You cant get something similar with photoshop curves. Or even if you can it would take alot of work. My screens are always taken from my movie scenes (means that i dont use photoshop).

EDIT: usually my screens have also some work inside et (example: at batery screenshot i changed the water fog color to blue, changed the distance and the color of sky fog)
you are just the et graphic god :>
:$ Thanks. Anyway remember that at movie it doesnt look soo good :\ You will see soon ;)
ok m8 i am curious now :D
on which movie do you work atm?
Look at my profile :P Started recording the footage yesterday. Got 15% recorded already. Still missing the cameras and edit :f
ahh hope you have great succes with it m8 :)
and whats with the trickjump movie?:S
Im talking about trickjump movie ;)
okidoki :p
well when you originally posted that screen with the plain movie source one as well i did a very similar thing just using photoshop curves, so i guess you could use after effects and do the same thing for a entire clip. I didnt know you had made changes to battery its self, but even without the changes you can still make a nice scene with curves :P
Sure you can. But im using vegas with a very accurate plugin (its slow because it seems to apply the ffect pixel per pixel). Anyway my old batery test (the one you saw from a rifle i guess isnt that good comparing to this one.. i changed alot of things since then ;) )
my config is a high quality.
possible to get ? :O
the cfg i mean ofc : D
just standard movie cfg, with effects added afterwards
+ image dof
makes 0 sense to me

im dumb ;<
look mine, but its darker than how really is :

i like it, could you give me the gamma settings? (mapoverbrightbits and stuff)
seta r_highQualityVideo "1"
seta r_normallength "0.5"
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_gamma "2.100000"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_textureAnisotropy "16"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta r_finish "1"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_drawSun "1"
seta r_fastsky "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_flares "1"
seta r_lodbias "0"
seta r_lodCurveError "250"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
seta r_smp "0" unsafe
seta r_subdivisions "1"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "0"
seta r_depthbits "24" unsafe
seta r_stencilbits "0" unsafe
seta r_stereo "0" unsafe
seta r_colorbits "32" unsafe
seta r_texturebits "32" unsafe
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_rmse "0.0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_clampToEdge "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" unsafe
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" unsafe
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0" unsafe
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" unsafe
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "1" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR" unsafe
seta r_ati_truform_tess "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0" unsafe
seta r_glIgnoreWicked3D "0" unsafe
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_multitexture "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" unsafe
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" unsafe
seta r_allowExtensions "1" unsafe
seta r_glDriver "opengl32" unsafe

seta r_mode "???"
seta r_customheight "???"
seta r_customwidth "???"
seta r_displayrefresh "???"
why agon always have to reply when someone asks for et pics? :<
et pic maker. Test clip maker also :D

post your cfg´s ultra mega high detailed pictures or tips to increase graphic quality :X
http://beta-gaming.de/et/ag0n/old_movie.cfg this is my old movie cfg(test it.. its still a nice cfg)
ag0n everytime when i see ur screens i wanna do the same but i always fail :(
My screens arent normal screens :| Its all about: some custom textures (sometimes) + custom shaders (specially at fog maps) + a nice movie cfg (ego :DDDD ) + some post process things (color correction at some screens) + motion blur
I know omg...but anyway...I also test effects , shadering etc but its never the same :'[
Thanks god! Atleast its not the same. Try to make something with your own style / better that me. Copying other people sucks :\ because every movie would look similar :\
ye thats right...i know...I dont wanna copy ur exact style but firstly i have to get proper quality instead of talking about good screens x)
Gl with that ;) Feel free to ask if you got some (non newbish) questions
Quotebetter that me.

No can do!
Sure. Everyone can if they use some time to test/learn.
No illegal cvars in ur movie cfg? Dont wanna get a red yawn cus I test ur cfg.
no as far i know... and... you cant get kicked because you are trying something at your pc... moviemaking = something local.. you dont need internet to use my cfg for moviemaking purposes.....
Well I understand that, but I got a great pc, so I just want to run ET in full details.
this is movie pics right?

what about game cfg's :P
is it possible to have a game cfg with fragmovie quality?

say some commands to increase details if it is possible :X

take a look (litle darker :/ ) http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/7725/69945521xa0.png
it is but there might be the thing that with one u have 125 fps but other not so much different cfg compared to 1st and u have 10-20 fps at least i have 2 such cfg's which are basically the same
image: for_ag0n

it doesnt look nice i know...
I see... GLOW!

srsly, less glow please!
normally i dont use it but i thought @ screen it would look better ;) in my movies i dislike using glow ;) I prefer using Magic Bullet :D
what can i change in my config to improve graphics details ?

any tutorial or something ...
r_picmip 0
r_picmip2 0
change graphic bits to higher values
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