need a team.
gungy is not reliable as an organisator of daily 6on6 mixes anymore (:P), I decided to search a team. I guess I will have enough time and motivation in the next months to play some more ET again.
Some infos:
- 18 years old
- playing ET since 2,5 years (paused in early 2008)
- "#care" about skill
- avi: usually Sunday - Thursday in the evening, can't guarantee that though
- playing backup might be ok, too
- laggy (w-lan + brother who usually downloads tons of senceless stuff)
- #crossfire, /q `alhric or pmme here
- 16+ years old
- shouldn't be newbies, something between low and med skilled sounds ok
- active (daily 6on6's in the evening would be nice)
- cb/esl-activity is not a must, but would also be nice
- nice, mature, funny guys (most important point)
cu. :)

Some infos:
- 18 years old

- playing ET since 2,5 years (paused in early 2008)
- "#care" about skill
- avi: usually Sunday - Thursday in the evening, can't guarantee that though
- playing backup might be ok, too
- laggy (w-lan + brother who usually downloads tons of senceless stuff)
- #crossfire, /q `alhric or pmme here
- 16+ years old

- shouldn't be newbies, something between low and med skilled sounds ok
- active (daily 6on6's in the evening would be nice)
- cb/esl-activity is not a must, but would also be nice
- nice, mature, funny guys (most important point)
cu. :)
you would be welcome :)
and btw dont blame me, blame my internet :(