After a few days research I have finally found a solution to this very annoying vista problem concerning punkbuster and Enemy Territory!!

There is no known fix for it anywhere so I had to test a lot of different things, I also know lots of people with battlefield 2 have this problem but I can´t really tell if this fix works on bf2 as well since I don't have that game.

This error let's you play for 1 to 3 minutes and then punkbuster kicks you out saying "missing/corrupted windows api function [131144]" and even though it lets you join the server right away again, the error just comes back over and over again. So anyway here is the solution:

Go into the control panel via the start menu and open "Administrative Tools".

Open "Services", locate and right click on "Application Information&" and then click on properties,

now set "Startup type" to automatic and also click the "start" button located under "service status" so it looks like in the image below, and finally click apply and ok at the bottom of the window so that your settings are saved.

image: api_1-1d5c8b4d415cff83efe1dd2d92773fd8

source: planet wolfenstein
just don't vid_restart and you wont get that error aswell ;)

so it no real fix becasue even xp users get kicked if they vid_restart now for another pb thing
well now you can vid_restart :D
no need for me ... i never vid_restart when connected to server anyway .

- load ET
- load config
- connect to server ;)

but nice find anyway for users who need to vid_re for every map ;)
Copy paste skills 3/10

Planet wolfenstein
Quick Edit skills erhmm shall we say 6/10 ?
hell yea lets say 6/10 because its so cool
someone tell me which things i have to click in the dutch version? xD
Configuratiescherm->Systeembeheer->Services->Rechtermuis klikken op Application Information
can u make a screenshot of your control panel and mark where "administrativ tool" is? cant find anything related in the german version

edit: ok got it but doesnt work... do i have to reboot?
edit2: if it doesnt work click "end" and then "start" again! nice nice thx
didn't work for me back then, i do as Bryan said in comment above
Thanks Works :D:D
No Problem Works Too :D:D:XD:DDD.d:dD
Posted by ace1 on 26/12/2008


but thanks xD
lol thx man =)
rly worked

edit: not working anymore somehow
All I did was made sure I ran as administrator, took off Aero look and never played in Window mode. r_uifullscreen 1 =!!!!!!!
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