a.ToOn.rY Wants YOU!
aToOn.rY is looking for one skilled player to complete our lineup since Sal is a fag.
We aren't looking for a specific class since most of the players in our current lineup are comfortable in multiple roles. Meaning you could be a field ops, medic or a rifle grenadzor.
After winning OC premier with ease, we should be getting direct invite into the next eurocup. We are also participating in ESL and HighBot Winter Challenge - http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?lid=8422
Our current lineup is:
Backups: blitz, Sal, Pieface & h20
Contact us at:
#a.Toon - pm RoXoR
This post was written by Haip
airinko paista ja vetta sata (or something like that)
but im too skilled for roxors sexy landmines ;p
gl shitty!
19:55… @aToOn|EURUZzZZz: pm Bruceh
19:56… @aToOn|EURUZzZZz: why should we pm him
19:56… @aToOn|EURUZzZZz: like if he wants he pm's us
19:56… @aToOn|EURUZzZZz: lol
As a side note: we don't want you.
oh wai... :DDD
U know ?
psst... i can paly once or twice a week!
gl ladies <3