rzing <o/

[ rzing nickname <o/ ] is looking for skilled players.

x skill: med (+)
x aim and teamplay
x fop, rifler and eng smg needed.

[- Lineup -

Belgium rzing bltzzilla <o/
Belgium rzing Mestizaje <o/
Belgium rzing Joonas <o/
Europe rzing unknown <o/
Europe rzing unknown <o/
Europe rzing unknown <o/

Europe rzing unknown <o/

Contact JoonasKK at crossfire.

Greetz Joonas
5 days gogogogogo
i dont trust u
Oo' rzing , zRing
Oo' Gl
One is random, guess who!

Sinon, nice le nouveau energiz, nice hax, nice mentalité de gamin attardé, gg continues comme ça!
[eNergiz} Novc] [BAEC26B59E0BB8652F85D4C0F1717F097B382037] [win32]
PunkBuster Client: 4 ca325bb7(?) OK 3.0 1{0|0} eNergiz} Novc
Tu es op sur ce chan, non?
Ah oui pardon je n'ai pas changé mon profil mais j'ai quitté la team pour la mentalité du leader
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