Me Iz N0 Happyz


Some people have helped me alot already because I can play ET for 35 minutes now instead of 10 seconds, but I still have the same problem after 35 minutes.
I've searched on some game forums about it but didn't work out, I only know that KB917422 must be deleted to solve this problem. But the problem is I can't find KB917422 on my software updates or on my computer.

So does anybody know how I can search for this file on my computer or how I can delete this without knowing where it's located on my hard disk.

goodbye ET, hello real-life
I already have a real-life, I just want to play a game if i'm bored or something.
In add and remove programs, click show windows updates!
I've already done that, I can make a screenshot for you. Might be better.
go to your C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB917344$\spuninst and execute spuninst.exe This
will uninstall manually ?
Isn't working either, it says it might be moved or deleted from the computer. But I didn't delete this from my computer or move it either.
so reinstall windows ......
I've found the file KB917344 but it was a TEXT document?
Now i've found the file KB917344 but it was a TEXT doc.
maybe its actually not on there anymore or the uninstal has been deleted on a clean up!
Search all files and folders.
I guess just formatting would be easier :p
true u would spend like 1-2 hours for format pc, instead of having stress to search this missing file :)
throw your machine along with yourself out the window, life isn't worth living without ET
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