mouse rate on windows7 x64

Is it possibly and how to change mouse rate to 500hz on windows 7 x64 ????
I hv mx518

I tryed this:
but after reboot mouse didn't work

It works!!!!!

01. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider
02. Download and Extract HIDUSBF to that folder.
03. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider(DSEO) and choose Enable Test
04. Reboot
05. Run DSEO Sign the Hidusbf.INF before you install it. Maybe necessary to do
this with all versions of the Hidusb.sys in the patch.
06. Right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.(INF file extension must be
windows default. This is a common problem easy fix with reg file.)
07. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and
select your desired sample rate click install service wait then click
08. Run mouserater and check polling rate.
09. Run DSEO, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed
HIDUSBF.sys file (For example: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys).
10. Restart your computer and enjoy.
11. If you would like to remove the test mode watermark, run Driver Signature
Enforcement Overrider and choose Watermark remover
teabags hz patcher or smth
get muscles so you can move your mouse
Dont you have logitech driver for things like that???
i got that link to work with 32bit version.
mx518 doesnt gain anything from usb clocking go check esreality
response time dosent change but changing from 125hz too 500hz makes it ALOT smoother, would be stupid to use a mx518 at 125hz when 500 is better.
mx518 does not need any rate change
agree with Wolfwerine
i nid to change my rate it makes the mouse a lot smoother :)
thats it rev you tell that mofo :P
Dosent matter if you agree with him because HE and YOU are wrong , it makes movement smoother wich = better tracking and control e.g. thats the hole point of the fucking game.
visit esreality' they have tested all the known mouses' also mouse rate has only to do with mouse inputs and no with game smoothness or anything else' the rest is simply placebo :D
As i said in the very first reply to the other guy it dosent affect response time of the mouse but it DOES affect smoothness what dont you understand ? lol . If you cant see the point in having a smoother aim for et then your opinion sucks. Ive seen the esreality mouse tests ages ago think most people on here have. And placebo my arse 500 is alot smoother than 125 FACT.
saying the obvious but had u done that in safe mode?
saying the obvious but have u installed windows 7?
It works with my vista. Even though those "test mode" watermaks are annoying.
/rate 25000
with a G5 mouse it's pretty easier install logitech driver software and use the software :o
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