how to switch USB mouserate on Windows 7?

+i need some cfg for 23"1920x1080 full hd lcdshit ;[ (60hz rate :F)
/switch mouserate in console
would be /switch_mouserate btw
yes, that it is!
my config :x
my config :x
not my config :x
Updated version of install due MS updates and file extension problem.
01. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider
02. Download and Extract HIDUSBF to that folder.
03. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider(DSEO) and choose Enable Test
04. Reboot
05. Run DSEO Sign the Hidusbf.INF before you install it. Maybe necessary to do
this with all versions of the Hidusb.sys in the patch.
06. Right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.(INF file extension must be
windows default. This is a common problem easy fix with reg file.)
07. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and
select your desired sample rate click install service wait then click
08. Run mouserater and check polling rate.
09. Run DSEO, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed
HIDUSBF.sys file (For example: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys).
10. Restart your computer and enjoy.
11. If you would like to remove the test mode watermark, run Driver Signature
Enforcement Overrider and choose Watermark remover
look at my config in profile .. its a fuckin great one by myself u'll pwn all with it!!
My patcher works for windows 7, so im told.... see profile
are u sure that works?
Ive dont smth like that lately and got blue screen :f so i had to recover windows :S
Its made for vista, so in should work, and someone told me it does, I havent tested it personaly, i use xp for games.
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