Watch demos the ultraviolet way

Since we were able to rage England that bad i quickly release another of our little helpers free for all you ET Fans…

Watch demos the ultraviolet way!!!! Here is your chance!

QuoteUltraviolet Demo Controller - [email protected]

How to use:

Edit the modpath.txt and paste your mod path (NOT ET PATH) in there and close again.
Start ET
Start the Controller

now you are all setup for playing the demos. The Controller will find all files in your demos folder (subdirectories are not supported)
Now its up to you, you can select any demo from the list and press shit + UP to play the demo, or just start with the first one (shift + up)
and then just jump to the next one (shift + left). In case you want to see the previous demo again, press (shift + right).

If you think the demo you just saw is worth saving or whatever, you can press (shift + g) and the demo will be copied into a folder named "good_demos".

Its simple, but saves an awful lot of time!

NOTE: There wont be any updates / fixes or whatever to this tool. Its being released as is...

If germany win the world cup, release a '3 headshot per kill' scanner please ^^
nice, thx
quick pic: image: democontroller
/kamz says thanks, now he can collect more demos to sell from every et player around!
kamz does not use my software. oh wait...

let kids play!!!
oh damn, forgot that :|
"Now its up to you, you can select any demo from the list and press shit + UP"

I usually don't crap in front of my pc, sorry
sry, i wrote this in like 4 seconds :<
It's okay, hannes, I'm just trolling. :D
i know u did it on purpose but i loled at "shit + up"
it's like irl
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