Sony vegas fails big!

Oké, I've got something which is pretty wheird! I am trying to make a short clip of pictures, but when I tried to render it as an avi file, sony vegas fails big time on windows xp.

After a few sec of rendering I get this error:

Quote"the file being rendered has exceeded the maximum size allowed for the selected format"

I've tried to search on google for a solution.. they say you should convert your harddisc from fat32 to ntfs..

But the awkward is, they are already ntfs harddiscs :S

Help please?
Vegas sux, take Premiere
i have the same problem, i gotta render in 2gb parts (max size i can render at one time)
I guess it's your harddrive system, don't got that problem with NTFS
1. You render your vegas movie in parts.
2. You convert them with a converter.
3. You put the converted parts in vegas.
4. You render it all together.
5. You convert it again.
try non-hacked version?
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