MX518 Hz sample rate increase

K,fuck it,I'm basicly too stupid to translate...

I got MX518 and I'd like to increase my Hz.I'm using Win7 32 bit (x86).
I've followed the instructions here:

Everything went fine until step 7.After the restart my mouse was simply not recognized anymore. Nothing. I heard the connect/disconnect-sound when plugin or plugout,but that's it.No mousemovement,as if the hardware would not be accepted as a mouse.

image: 63635_178353932183421_100000264458473_501306_199692_n
They are very random my friend
Turn off Driver Signing at the boot menu
Solved it otherwise,had to Sign File the sys-data in the Windows direction.
just read the steps carefully,i failed at my first try aswell,im using vista 64bit :)

Try to do it again,but read the steps carefully :) do step by step :D
the fail is that u use vista :p
well i only hated vista because i thought that i couldn't overclock my mouse hz , but now that i did i like vista :) nothing wrong with it :D
i got same problem. Use this and sign up all versions of the Hidusb.sys in the patch!

01. Download Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider
02. Download and Extract HIDUSBF to that folder.
03. Run Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider(DSEO) and choose Enable Test
04. Reboot
05. Run DSEO Sign the Hidusbf.INF before you install it. Maybe necessary to do
this with all versions of the Hidusb.sys in the patch.
06. Right click on HIDUSBF.inf and choose Install.(INF file extension must be
windows default. This is a common problem easy fix with reg file.)
07. Run Setup.exe from HIDUSBF’s folder, check the Filter on Device box and
select your desired sample rate click install service wait then click
08. Run mouserater and check polling rate.
09. Run DSEO, choose Sign a System file and insert full path to the installed
HIDUSBF.sys file (For example: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HIDUSBF.sys).
10. Restart your computer and enjoy.
my mouse=15 €
if you want to wake up the mouse again:
go to control panel -> device manager
delete mouse drivers -> right click -> uninstall

reboot/ scan for new devices -> mouse working again

-> woo!
having the exact same problem:) just play with 125, don't really know what the difference is
Dunnow whether there is really a difference,but it felt much better while playing once I fixed it.
But might be a placebo,who knows?

The link I posted above is a pretty good instruction IF you can read and translate all the steps correctly -____-
I did it like that, and everytime my mouse stopped working and I have to put it in another usb thing
My fault was in step 6,where I gave the path to the HIDUSBF.sys in the folder where I extracted the
You have to get the path of the hidusbf.sys in you windows direction (...Windows\drivers\) and enter the path in the Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.
Then it worked for me
oh and you can reactivate ur USB port,some1 above posted how.
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