remember to save your settings just in case.
Save the following to a file called comp.cfg
execute the file by typing the following in your console: /exec comp
cg_atmosphericEffects "0" //0 will turn off rain and snow
cg_blinktime "0" //after being shot, your body seizures for this amount of milliseconds
cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" //0 will turn off a bloodspurt onscreen when you get shot
cg_bloodFlash "0" //0 will turn off the screen turning red when you get shot
cg_bloodTime "0" //the amount of time in milliseconds that enemy blood remains on walls and floors
cg_brassTime "0" //the amount of time in milliseconds that bullet casings are seen flying in the air or on the floor.
cg_coronafardist "0" //distance in radiant-untis (64ru=6ft) that a lightsource will glow
cg_coronas "0" //0 turns off the glow from lightsources
cg_cursorhints "0" //0 turns off the game hinting that something can be grabbed, used, dynamited etc.
cg_drawCompass "0" //0 turns off the compass being shown in some mods
cg_drawCrosshairPickups "0" //0 turns off the indicator that something can be picked up
cg_MuzzleFlash "0" //0 turns of the flash that comes out of a shotgun
cg_fastSolids "1" //1 makes anything that has no bumpmap texture into a block
cg_gibs "0" //0 makes your dead enemy's bodies just a corpse
cg_marktime "0" //amount of time in milliseconds that bullets and explosives leave a mark on walls and floors
cg_railTrailTime "0" //amount of time in milliseconds that railtrial shows
cg_shadows "0" //0 removes all shadows
cg_showBlood "0" //0 removes enemy blood spurts
cg_simpleItems "1" //1 makes ammo, medpacks, weapons that are on the floor, a 2d image
cg_smokeParticles "0" //0 turns off the smoke animation from chimneys or broken tanks
cg_teamChatHeight "2" //amount of lines of text shown from team conversations on hud
cg_tracers "0" //0 turns off showing the bullet tail effects
cg_trailParticles "0" //0 turns off showing debris when ammo hits a wall or floor
cg_voiceSpriteTime "0" //amount of time in millisecond which shows the symbol above the head of someone saying i need ammo/medic
cg_wolfParticles "0" //0 will turn off some of the explosive graphics from ffe or artillary or colored smoke-effects
r_colorbits "12" //16 million bit color pallete
r_depthbits "12" //16 megabit texture
r_detailTextures "0" //0 will turn off your extended texture graphics
r_dlightBacks "0" //0 will turn off the lights effects that you can see reflected on (and sometimes through) the wall
r_drawfoliage "0" //0 will turn off the details of the plants and grass that go above the ground
r_drawSun "0" //0 will not display the sun in the sky
r_dynamiclight "0" //0 turns off some lighting effects that you see from sources like dynamites
//r_ext_compressed_textures "1" //1 makes a lower quality compression of texture quality
//r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" //turn on anistropy
//r_facePlaneCull "1" //1 will not draw anything that is in the world but is not in your perspective view
r_fastsky "1" //1 will draw a black sky with no detailed skybox
r_flares "0" //0 will not draw special lighting effects around explosive lights or sources
r_lodbias "2" //geometric detail level, 0 = high, 1 = medium, 2 = low
//r_lodCurveError "1" //determines how quickly polygons are pulled out with distance
r_mode "4" //most servers allow 4 as the lowest quality resolution which is 800x600
r_picmip "3" //texture detail level, 0 = high, 1 = medium, 2 = low
//r_rmse "25" //root-mean-squared-error shows the allowable ratio of accuracy in drawing size differences of objects by distance
//r_roundImagesDown "1" //1 doesn't draw round images when a bump map is not drawn as round shaped
//r_simpleMipMaps "0" //0 is off, 1 will turn on simplemipmapping which makes pixels flow into each other to show realistic blurring of visuals
r_subdivisions "999" //this sets the roundness of curves
r_textureAnisotropy "1" //level of anisotropy
r_texturebits "12" //bit level for texture quality
r_textureMode "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //g_n_m_n is the lowest setting for texture to distance ratio
s_doppler "0" //0 turns of latent sound effects
s_khz "22" //11 is the lowest sound quality, 44 is highest
s_mixahead "1.1" //1.4 is default for sound mixing
s_wavonly "0" //0 will prevent playback of other sound files while playing
Save the following to a file called comp.cfg
execute the file by typing the following in your console: /exec comp
cg_atmosphericEffects "0" //0 will turn off rain and snow
cg_blinktime "0" //after being shot, your body seizures for this amount of milliseconds
cg_bloodDamageBlend "0" //0 will turn off a bloodspurt onscreen when you get shot
cg_bloodFlash "0" //0 will turn off the screen turning red when you get shot
cg_bloodTime "0" //the amount of time in milliseconds that enemy blood remains on walls and floors
cg_brassTime "0" //the amount of time in milliseconds that bullet casings are seen flying in the air or on the floor.
cg_coronafardist "0" //distance in radiant-untis (64ru=6ft) that a lightsource will glow
cg_coronas "0" //0 turns off the glow from lightsources
cg_cursorhints "0" //0 turns off the game hinting that something can be grabbed, used, dynamited etc.
cg_drawCompass "0" //0 turns off the compass being shown in some mods
cg_drawCrosshairPickups "0" //0 turns off the indicator that something can be picked up
cg_MuzzleFlash "0" //0 turns of the flash that comes out of a shotgun
cg_fastSolids "1" //1 makes anything that has no bumpmap texture into a block
cg_gibs "0" //0 makes your dead enemy's bodies just a corpse
cg_marktime "0" //amount of time in milliseconds that bullets and explosives leave a mark on walls and floors
cg_railTrailTime "0" //amount of time in milliseconds that railtrial shows
cg_shadows "0" //0 removes all shadows
cg_showBlood "0" //0 removes enemy blood spurts
cg_simpleItems "1" //1 makes ammo, medpacks, weapons that are on the floor, a 2d image
cg_smokeParticles "0" //0 turns off the smoke animation from chimneys or broken tanks
cg_teamChatHeight "2" //amount of lines of text shown from team conversations on hud
cg_tracers "0" //0 turns off showing the bullet tail effects
cg_trailParticles "0" //0 turns off showing debris when ammo hits a wall or floor
cg_voiceSpriteTime "0" //amount of time in millisecond which shows the symbol above the head of someone saying i need ammo/medic
cg_wolfParticles "0" //0 will turn off some of the explosive graphics from ffe or artillary or colored smoke-effects
r_colorbits "12" //16 million bit color pallete
r_depthbits "12" //16 megabit texture
r_detailTextures "0" //0 will turn off your extended texture graphics
r_dlightBacks "0" //0 will turn off the lights effects that you can see reflected on (and sometimes through) the wall
r_drawfoliage "0" //0 will turn off the details of the plants and grass that go above the ground
r_drawSun "0" //0 will not display the sun in the sky
r_dynamiclight "0" //0 turns off some lighting effects that you see from sources like dynamites
//r_ext_compressed_textures "1" //1 makes a lower quality compression of texture quality
//r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" //turn on anistropy
//r_facePlaneCull "1" //1 will not draw anything that is in the world but is not in your perspective view
r_fastsky "1" //1 will draw a black sky with no detailed skybox
r_flares "0" //0 will not draw special lighting effects around explosive lights or sources
r_lodbias "2" //geometric detail level, 0 = high, 1 = medium, 2 = low
//r_lodCurveError "1" //determines how quickly polygons are pulled out with distance
r_mode "4" //most servers allow 4 as the lowest quality resolution which is 800x600
r_picmip "3" //texture detail level, 0 = high, 1 = medium, 2 = low
//r_rmse "25" //root-mean-squared-error shows the allowable ratio of accuracy in drawing size differences of objects by distance
//r_roundImagesDown "1" //1 doesn't draw round images when a bump map is not drawn as round shaped
//r_simpleMipMaps "0" //0 is off, 1 will turn on simplemipmapping which makes pixels flow into each other to show realistic blurring of visuals
r_subdivisions "999" //this sets the roundness of curves
r_textureAnisotropy "1" //level of anisotropy
r_texturebits "12" //bit level for texture quality
r_textureMode "GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //g_n_m_n is the lowest setting for texture to distance ratio
s_doppler "0" //0 turns of latent sound effects
s_khz "22" //11 is the lowest sound quality, 44 is highest
s_mixahead "1.1" //1.4 is default for sound mixing
s_wavonly "0" //0 will prevent playback of other sound files while playing
feel free to search
there are lots of new configs of 2011 and 2012 uploaded :)