RedoX is back in business

ISup Crossfire, I've got some time again and i'm looking for a team which is mainly stable and most likely gonna play upcoming Summercup, would also be cool if I know some of you guys! :)
What can u expect from me:
[/u]›› From:

›› Talk:

›› Avi: Depends, when you want me to
›› Stable
›› Class: experienced Medic
›› Good comms
›› Skill: skilled
›› Mature
›› experienced
›› Clean
What I expect from U
[/u]›› Game Server
›› Ventrilo / teamspeak3
›› mIRC
›› Active & Stable
›› Mature - but always in for a laugh :'>
Contact me:[/u]
›› here on Crossfire
yeah, just sayin