Problem with movie making

Hey there!
I have an issue with recording my movie: when I put my .tga files on vDub or Quicktime I get this kind of video:
image: sanstitrecrh
Maybe someone knows why my videos have this problem.

EDIT: So I changed r_customwidth and r_customheight and It was better but still not good.
Before I used width to 1366 and height to 768 my pc resolution that I used when I play and then I just used 480*720 and the result is better.
So I'm asking you: what is the best resolution for recording a movie?
did you try to record in windowed mode instead of fullscreen?
I think the problem is that when you put your .tga files on vDub or Quicktime you get this kind of video:
image: 2r3a4ut
Someone had to do it, you were faster than me. :x:d:x:d::x:d
id say 16:10 is the best

resoulution... as high as possible, later on u can resize it (downsize ofc) in vdub
have you got vsync on? 1280x720 or 1600x900 or 1920x1080
Thx everyone for your answers I'm gonna try these.... except you ipod :X :p

EDIT: you fuckin troll
all jokes mate
pq tu record en jaymod? fais le avec fraps..
Trop tard je suis ban pour wallhack
Dommage, moi je le suis pas :)
Tu joue où.? c'est toi le cTRL-heaven?
oui, je joue jaymod en effet oui, t le premier a le remarquer d'ailleur ...
vid_restart bug
1366 x 768 causes that bug just like in tzac screenshots aswell
whats the point of putting tga files to vdub/qt anyway?
To make an AVI movie. Do you know another way to do it?
i work on .jpeg (cmmh mod) screens @ vegas/ae with my upcoming one. i tested image-et as well and there was no problem to do the same.

the answer for question below: sound is /wav_record and /wav_stoprecord and add it manually. you can also use external soft to record, or simply add headshot sound only from etpro pk3 afair
Because it costs quite some memory and if you compress it with lagarith in vdub, it's alot less and you won't notice any quality loss
its not like you have to record with 400-1000 fps in-game to get motion blur and 1,5 tb free space like when fei and robo were making get quaked 3. if you have really small hdd (< 100 gb) then i'd suggest cmmh and work @ .jpeg screens (it also gives 100% screens quality while et engine is locked @ 95%).

if you have a bit more space (~250 gb) then its no problem to handle 25 tga screens per second from image-et and kickass motion blur (which i don't like but more like personal prefence, or fact am going to release one of first, if not first full hd fmovie with 50 fps no blur and still better quality than most of the et videos.)

och and about loseless codecs, i tested more than ffv1, huffyuv, lagarith, msu, picvideo (just to name few of them) and there is a slight difference in both aspects: quality and file size. the only one time when its needed, its the time when you render your whole project to open @ megui but here's the deal: as far as i remember you're able save ur project in the same amount of screens @ premiere pro to increase quality even more or just to be able to render it with something else than .wmv at some other soft (last time i checked it couple of years ago, perhaps you're able to do more for now @ premiere).

not mentioning when for example i capture same action @ 50 and 200 fps (to make 4x slowmo for the part of it), its easier to modify it that way than cutting 1 'loseless' file @ vegas because feels more accurate. its not the only one reason, just an example.

the problem is that when i was going to release my first movie you weren't around at all, so i couldn't careless about ur 'advice'. but again, who am i to argue with a maker of hste's miniclips XD
not sure why you would flame me, when I wasn't even trying to "school" you or anything, just stating why some people do it this way.
it was a rhetorical question by me in the first place, so i have no idea why would you like to reply at all.
i like you much u so talented man
Thx Evryone, it works now =)
By the way, how to record the sound with the video (in replay)?
Et tu saurais pas comment faire pour que le son et la video soient parfaitement sunchro?
"So I'm asking you: what is the best resolution for recording a movie?"
You kidding us right?
According to my screen resolution I wanted to know how it would be the best to resize the ET screen resolution... wasnt really a joke.
Maybe you didnt understand me well cuz I dont speak well english...
image: 579px-007Squirtle
Squirtle are scarce in the wild. Sometimes they can be found living on secluded islands in the ocean or swimming in the rivers of deep canyons, but their chief habitat seems to be small freshwater ponds and lakes. Overall they are found far more often in urban settings, usually in the ownership of Trainers. Kanto is the most likely place to find them.
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