Green_Clon & malfoy looking for new home

as I wrote to the title, me and clon lookin for new home for upcoming season..

We would like to play with people that we know (atleast little bit), but we are not afraid of new projects, atm we both play for czech national team.
- Clon wants to play medic and I would prefer medic too, but I am also able to play smg engi
- avi to play 4-5x per week
- pm me here or pm clon @ irc

thanks for your attention
considering you've got so many guys @ cz nc team, why not continue iR/zeroE? D:
will end up like that anyway, just wait & see ahah
denton doesnt want to play ET anymore, thats maybe the point why I / we dont want to manage iR/zeroE comeback...
that's just a name, i just meant some CZ team. maybe with mnew? denton will never be back sooo..
mnew decided to play with exorcist and we did not count with him anyway because his trickshots ":D", teente doesnt have enough time to play more than twice a week, cpu is the one and only who is really suitable for us but we did not speak with him about that , dont know about his decision to play ET after NC ... the rest of cze players (mean the rest of community not from the natioanal team) are not suitable for us cause of their playin style, sense for the game and stuff.. :(
and milhaus is and will play for bsturz :/
thats maybe the reason why i did not write a word about him (:
oh yeah, wanted to talk with you about him. hoped I might play with him this season.
so basically, all I wanted to tell you about this topic is FUCK YOU :p
infrag comeback!:)
take me and make a lovely new home ":D"

E: GL obviously!
you have potential to play well vole...
cya next NC vole
leda jen kdyby hrozilo ze by hral Tommy :D
GL Green_Clon !
gl clon and malfoy
real draco malfoy`????
gl my friends:(!
gl hope you can get a decent lu :)
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