W:ET movie making

Going to start making my own W:ET frag movie.
I manage to download the uv-movie maker gold from myhannes.info/page/software.htm, but I still need to find where to download the MovieMod for it. Since the download link isn't working on the site.


Does anyone know where I can download it ?

And yes I tried to google it but didnt find.

pm me at weekend if you want me to teach you the whole thing
Yes please would be nice, I am not so good at this :p
Can help you too with movie stuff if you want. Raiven@qnet
I appreciate all help I can get thank you
etmoviemaker pack
If anyone knows, how to record screenshots for vDub and hitsounds (wav_record) with one command I would be grateful..

Have to record the screenshots first and then the sound :(
Make a bind for them
It's impossible to record them at the same time, since recording screenshots will put your game in slowmotion, thus making the recorded audio also in slowmotion.
link for moviemod.
this link shows you how to enable the bloom feature in moviemaker.
I wouldn't recommend you to use any of the ultraviolet software though, since they're bugged and outdated.
Thanks for the info :)
inb4 ur pc burns down cuz the thing u g0t is a v1rus hf
just get fraps and put a mp3

dont waste more time imo
Would make a movie with ingame config months ago, but fraps isn't working for me in ET most of the time and sometimes it does.. + someone told me some time ago that it isn't even possible to make it somehow work... :(
dunno maybe try a newer or older version

it didnt work aswell the first time I tried to use fraps
no, with /cl_avidemo

but this one yes:
(it can be more beautifull if u use a movie config and more smooth if recording with 50/60fps)
okay thanks
use fraps and record with 50fps at timescale of 0.25 which is almost the same as avidemo 200. + you can record video and sound in one go (have to speed sound up with factor 4)
Frag quality > editing quality
Frag quality + editing quality > *
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