quality test 2

you can download test clip here

and how can i make colors more alive in vegas 6 :!

Video Fix - ????

rate the quality

frags by immoo
edit by ReZoN
5,5/10 nice frags btw
quality was ok actually, nice job... music sucks btw
and how can i make colors more alive in vegas 6 :!

cant download from rapidshare in skwl -.- have to whatch it at home
Now these days i only see fuckin samples blablabla,
miss those days of oldschool rtcw when we made shitty movies.

just make a movie or something....if you like moviemaking so much put some time and effort into it ffs not just a 15 second clip..

clip looks good...would change the font only for originality.
idd. just make a whole movie.
people make the clips so that they can make better movies having gained constructive criticism and help...
good quality
Not hard to make the colours more "alive" in vegas... just goto the colour edit and use the nice round pallets to adjust your colours. Just need to experiment with different combinations at different valus to find something you like.
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