How to stream GV to ET Servers

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The steps required to stream your server are quite easier than you think, so here goes.

1) Click here (making sure the game is Enemy Territory) and select either the Windows pack or Linux pack according to your system.

2) Save the pack to an easy locatable path. (For me it would be to the Desktop)
After you have saved the pack, extract the file.

image: 0aa5280a7126c6a7f701ece54f2c2a4e

3) Go to your serverhost homepage. (E.g. YCN file manager) and click your active PB folder. If you have any of the following files:

league cfg (e.g. CB.cfg)

Please MAKE SURE you delete them as these may interfere with GV streaming.

4) Upload all the files from the folder you extracted onto your serverhost page pb section. Make sure you upload the files to the pb folder located on your serverhost page.

image: 8c770efcb9d0efdb9a38a4b6f6857a70

5) Go onto your ET server and type your rconpassword into your console. (/rconpassword <yourpassword>)

6) Next, type the command /rcon pb_sv_restart to restart your Punkbuster.

7) Load a league config. (E.g. global6.cfg)

You should be all done, and your server should be streaming!

To test if your server is streamming GV, your server should say something like "Server running GV scripts"
You can also test if your server is streaming by joining the channel #game-violations on mIRC and typing “!stream et serverip:port“

If you are successful, it should look like this

image: 24e8938a329db8b40858e431a2ed1cc6

Your all done and ready for Summercup!

If you have any problems visit on mIRC.
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