Media Manager 3.0 The Basics

so i noticed that many people is still using the old media manager version to scan their demos, because they cant figure out how the latest version work at all.
Media Manager 3.0 has a lot of new features to simplify your scanning tasks it shows you each map sprees in a defined time interval from 0 seconds to 1 min which is enough.

So im gonna try to show you how to use the basic stuff.
First of all all do you need is Media manager and your ET game installed. you can download MM from here CLICK

Install it, open media manager and you'll see an screen like this one.

All you have to do on the first place is configure your et installation where you want to preview your sprees:
Click on Game Settings > Enemy Territory and Find your ET.exe then click ok

image: 1stt

Now you're ready to scan your demos, on the white screen you'll see the folders that are on your Hard disk find where you have saved your ET demos

Click one or you can select multiple files and then click Scan, and it'll start checking each demo 1 by 1 it wont take that long.
When the icon of any demo is @ green color that means that the selected demo has been scanned successfully

image: 2-11

Now click one demo and Click Obituaries but make sure that the Player box has your name on it and you'll see your Killing sprees if there's any on the demo, you can change settings like min frags max seconds etc on that screen too that's not a big deal. To preview an spree simply double click the desired one.

image: 3-22

Note: Media manager will make another copy of your demo containing only the specific frags part the new demo will be located at etpro/Ultraviolet.

image: uvcuts
so if you're going to check multiple demos make sure to delete the ones that you don't need cause you'll get confused with the Labels.
so that's basically how media manager 3.0 works.
najs ;) ty. bb
Good :)
Nice job!
bullshit manager 3.0
would be awesome with some headshot filter. is it possible to code?
it doesnt work on me. shows no frags, messages or anything like that. sometimes not even demos. i have .net framework 3-> installed
Try scanning the demo

it shows the players, pings and the server name, just not messages or frags and stuff like that.
everywhere mAus :) good job ;)
Can someone help me please ?

image: error

maybe some new version/other link or you know how to fix it ?

it worked before format ( like 4 months ago )
got same problem D:
I figured out whats thwe problem ,, you gotta update/download NET Framework 2 :D
thx mate :)
fuck this shitty program
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