3D tracking by Nonix
28 Nov 2010, 18:53
Today we are going to make this:
You need following programs:
EnemyTerritory + image.exe
You need following programs:
EnemyTerritory + image.exe
(1) Make a camera with camtrace3d
1) follow the screenshot:
(2) Saving the screenshots
1) Open ET with the newest image.exe (use highest vid card settings that you want to use for the fragmovie)
2) Open a demo with your scene (I used supply)
3) set img_captureFps 50 (or what you use for your movie / how you saved your camera)
4) go to freecam (or you can set it in your camera file, up to you), and set cg_fov 90 for this tutorial
5) set img_blur_samples 0 (we dont want to use blured screenshots now)
6) make a bind: "bind x cl_avidemo 1; timescale 1; exec test" ("test" is the camera file that I saved with Create button)
7) Now press x and image start to recording your pictures
8) When you see its finished you have to use cl_avidemo 0
9) Go to your screenshot folder and delete the useless screenshots (u need only 151 shots, last is 0000000151.tga)
(I had to delete my first 00000000.tga also because of my bind) So now you have 150 tga's.
10)Now here is a trick that I used to do: I open Vegas, I open the screenshot and save them with my colour settings to a .mov file with lossless png settings. File name is 3d.mov
(3) 3d tracking with boujou
1) Open boujou (I use 4.0.1)
2) click Import Sequence, search your 3d.mov and open, click Ok
3) click Track Features, click Advanced and set sensitivity highest (move to the right side)
4) Click Start and wait few seconds (it will track some not moving points in your scene)
5) Click Camera Solve, check 'Optimize radial distorition parameters' , click Start (will calculate where is your camera based on your tracked points) and wait few seconds.
6) Go to 3d Tasks -> Asses Lens Distortion (automatic). Click Assess radial, wait. And now click Accept and Adjust
7) On the timeline you see a lot of points. These are that we will open in 3dmax later.
8) Go to Setup -> Edit Camera. Set Framerate to 50 (or what u use), Ok
9) Go to Export -> Export Camera. Here we go you can save the point to 3dmax. Watch screenshot and save.
4) Making the text in 3dmax
1) Open 3dmax (I use 2011)
2) Drag you 3dtrack.ms to the scene. Change the perspective view to your camera and you can see everything like in boujou.
3) (possible to add your .mov as background but its not a complicated camera so not that important)
4) Make a text. Zoom in with you mouseroll as on my screenshot
5) Add bevel to the text to make it 3d! Follow the screenshot and (those my settings for the tutorial)
6) Go to render (press f10), follow the screenshot.(make sure you render the camera window!)
7) Open vegas again and add the text on the scene, render the video !
This is very basic. When you know how to set up this, then you can be creative and add everything you want!
Uploaded the camtrace file if you want to use the same camera: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4UJOWZHX
e: btw don't you have to add Scene geometry ? :<
I would rlly be able to do all this but its to complicated for me =/
An easier solution would have been to export your trace from Cametrace and then use my 3DS Max camera importer script. No tracking needed ;)
Loved what you done on OFTW3 btw, especially the crazy final :p