Blurry look tutorial

I've recieved a lot of requests so I decided to make a tut on how to achieve this look. Hope you like it! Sorry for stattering, talking in English is so difficult: P
good tutorial, did the same some months ago with boujou for tracking and a white layer with low transparency.. better result when it comes to tracking, but quite difficult to learn :/
przyda sie :D
Thanks for the tutorial spankie ;) great job
cheeers :)
would really like to see good et movie with 3d motion tracking, but et moviemakers arent that experienced
plus 90% of the community wouldnt even notice the hard work -> watch Overclocked intro and check comments. No idea how many hours I invested in that editiing but worth it?
I'm happy that the et moviemaking scene isn't crowded with 3d motion tracking experts, would be boring to see the same stuff all the time over and over again..
so u say experts cant be creative ? False.
that "experts" wasn't seriously meant.. I think that moviemakers on crossfire are generally not really creative, so I guess the next movies would be all with the same 3d motion tracking stuff and no creativity..
I'd like to see something like that too, but IMO ET it not a game for that : P Our community is kinda going into direction of fast-paced, dynamical movies, and for 3D tracking (unless you're a REAL expert in that matter) you need more subtle camera movements. That is why it's used so seldom here and the reason why they flamed your intro is actually not the 3D stuff, it's because it was SLOW. CF doesn't want that at all, unfortunately
+1, the community is not worth it :)
tho i cant really remember what you did there - besides sth with dots?, i still remember i found it really awesome.
spankie: "I've recieved a lot of requests so I decided to make a tut on how to achieve this look. Hope you like it! Sorry for stattering, talking in English is so difficult: P "

Can any of those people who asked post here? cause i barely believe someone asked a tutorial for a shitty effect (u didnt even faded out the mask) noone can even see
It's this kind of small effects what makes a great movie. You should propably know it, sir, if you feel cool enough to criticise someone who sacrifices his time to contribute to the scene. This tutorial is made for begginers, that's why you won't see any kind of fancy tricks there. Check out the 'Fly High' walk-through and see if this is so easy aswell.

And the mask has been faded, can't you see? :)
spankie u sound like "just cause ALOT of peeps asked me how to bend bananas, i will make a tutorial"
Who asked u about an effect people can barely see?
Make 4 names... i am curious
Why the fuck would he show you who asked him?... Fuck off.
what ipod said + the fact that the main people asking are on his youtube videos.. since he does in fact post them on youtube, why not post it here for other moviemakers?
thanks man :P, now i know! !! :)
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