Windows XP to Max OS X
5 Nov 2007, 00:43
Download FlyakiteOSX v3.5 from:
Then just double-click on FlyakiteOSX%20v3.5.exe.
Check the options you want to install and click on next.
If you got a 17" or larger monitor then choose 128 * 128 otherwise choose 48 * 48.
And if you got a Widescreen monitor then check the option: Use Widescreen Boot Screen.
Reboot your pc and you will see a new shiny Mac OS X..ähm.. Windows XP!
Now you can start applications via the "dock".
Icons, windows and the theme are now macish.
Rightclick on the menulist and the window will disappear except the menulist.
Here is a screenshot of how the System Preference looks like.
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! :}
Then just double-click on FlyakiteOSX%20v3.5.exe.
Check the options you want to install and click on next.
If you got a 17" or larger monitor then choose 128 * 128 otherwise choose 48 * 48.
And if you got a Widescreen monitor then check the option: Use Widescreen Boot Screen.
Reboot your pc and you will see a new shiny Mac OS X..ähm.. Windows XP!
Now you can start applications via the "dock".
Icons, windows and the theme are now macish.
Rightclick on the menulist and the window will disappear except the menulist.
Here is a screenshot of how the System Preference looks like.
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial! :}
aus dem Satz wer ich nich schlau lol. Heisst das jetzt, dass der rechtsklick wie bei windows eingesetzt werden kann?
btw: msn addy?
vllt probier ich das mal aus, sieht cool aus, hoffe das es nicht zuviel Ressourcen verbraucht.
first answer on google "install leopard on PC"
you need an intel cpu imo
if so i will re-install :)
ok last question!:) nah i figured it out myself. i have to admit macs can be a lot more intuiative
about those blocks, its a windows thing. eg, set your desktop background colour to black, then select an image to use as your background and you will get black boxes around the text under icons.
edit: hope this helps
but everything works only etmin.exe doesn't want to start anymore :S
and boot screen didn't change :S now I still have my alien boot screen while I uninstalled that program which I used before patching.
if i put those shortcuts in the big menu bar on the botom of your screen it won't open.
anywayz i luv the skin :p