Capturing Using IMAGE-ET

image: image-et.banner

Getting Started

Firstly, you'd want to have everything setup properly with a separate copy of W:ET 2.60b + etpro 3.2.6
  • create a new empty folder named IMAGE-ET with two subfolders named etmain and etpro
  • copy the following files from your current game folder
    /etmain/mp_bin.pk3, pak{0-2}.pk3, cgame_mp_x86.dll, ui_mp_x86.dll
    /etpro/etpro-3_2_6.pk3, cgame_mp_x86.dll, ui_mp_x86.d

capturing image

First, get image here.

To use image, simply execute and point it to your application and where to save the captured images. Once loaded, set cl_aviDemo to your desired final FPS to start recording or use the following key bind for taking screenshots:

/bind x "cl_aviDemo 1000;wait 2;cl_aviDemo 0"

Motion blur and other effects are done transparently so there's no need to capture at higher FPS than you would n