- Sergi Torras
- Lives in Catalonia
- http://www.youtube.com/user/Winghahaven/featured
- 18 years, 2 months and 10 days
- Profile hits: 22388
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Followers (579)
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This user does not have any flags assigned.
5 MINUTES ONLY : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5ZpauzaHIs
FIGHT: http://winghaven.labrute.fr/
http://www.graphicguestbook.com/winghaven LoL!
nick: Winglolhaven @ refer friend :)
Winghaven - Out of the way : http://own3D.at/watch/344
Winghaven - Second Nature : http://www.own3d.at/watch/winghaven---second-nature,10083.html
Winghaven - Out of the way II : http://www.own3d.at/watch/winghaven---out-of-the-way-ii,10082.html
Winghaven - Out of the way III : http://own3D.at/watch/1733
4Kings ETQW: http://files.filefront.com/4Kings+7+of+a+Kindrar/;10506154;/fileinfo.html
lol wtf!
FIGHT: http://winghaven.labrute.fr/
http://www.graphicguestbook.com/winghaven LoL!
nick: Winglolhaven @ refer friend :)
Winghaven - Out of the way : http://own3D.at/watch/344
Winghaven - Second Nature : http://www.own3d.at/watch/winghaven---second-nature,10083.html
Winghaven - Out of the way II : http://www.own3d.at/watch/winghaven---out-of-the-way-ii,10082.html
Winghaven - Out of the way III : http://own3D.at/watch/1733
4Kings ETQW: http://files.filefront.com/4Kings+7+of+a+Kindrar/;10506154;/fileinfo.html
lol wtf!
Gender | Male |
Website | http://www.youtube.com/user/Winghahaven/featured |
Achievements | Awards: ET - Enemy Territory Spanish League I (iLoG!k) - Enemy Territory Spanish League II (iLoG!k) 4th - Shuukcup 6on6 #2 (wA!) - Enemy Territory Spanish League III (wA!) - ingame.et cup 6on6 #29 (wA!) - ET-CUP #2 (wA!) - toFOUR cup (wA!) - Warleagues (gods.inc) - Eurocup XII (gods.inc) - ET-CUP #9 (Azure) 4th - CPC @ Rotterdam (LAN) (dMiZe) - ESL Final Stage (aMenti) - Eurocup XIV (aMenti) - CPC2 (LAN) (TLR) - ET master (final on LAN) (TLR) - Unlmtd’3v3-cup (TLR) - Eurocup XV (TLR) - Cadre Cup (TLR) - CDC3 (LAN) (TLR) - CDC4 (LAN) (team-np) - EuroCup XVII (MiXmpact Gaming) - CC5 (LAN) (Button Bashers) - EuroCup XVIII (Button Bashers) - Etmasters (LAN) (Button Bashers) - Crossfire Challenge 6 (LAN) (Button Bashers) - Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 (LAN) (Rockit) - Antwerp e-Sports Festival (LAN( Rockit ) - ET European All-Stars (Southern-Europe) COD4 - Reus Lan Party (lan) (redCode) - Spanish summercup ( wNs ) - ipowergames Spanish qualifier (Travel to París) ( wNs ) - ESL pro series(LAN) ( wNs ) - FiberParty 2009 (LAN) ( k1ck ) - ESL pro series (LAN) (k1ck) - ESL CNA (LAN) (Catalonia) - Euskal Encounter (LAN) (WRACG) - ESL proseries (LAN) (WRACG) ETQW - L2W league (4Kings) - QWL 4on4 (4Kings) - EuroCup XVII (4Kings) - GSL (4Kings) - CAL (4Kings + Soltiz) F:FOW 4th - TGL (Museum) -> 1250$ Wolfenstein - Wolfenstein Beta cup (Hello) Brink - Tuesday 3o3 ESL cup (Epsilon) - Brink 4v4 SteelSeries Event (Epsilon) - Brink ESL Challenge (Gamescom 2011) (Epsilon) - 5on5 Challenge (Epsilon) Battlefield 3 DreamHack Summer BF3 2012 The Gathering LAN BF3 2012 ESL Go4BF3 #29 Finals 2012 4PL AMD Play4BF3 March 2012 4PL AMD Play4BF3 February 2012 PSN BF3 4v4 Squad Rush Opening Tournament 2012 ESL BF3 Squad Rush Opening Cup 2011 Newegg Wanfest BF3 4v4 Squad Rush Tournament 2011 BF3 Go4BF3 #7 2011 BF3 Go4BF3 #5 2011 4PL MSI Play4BF3 4on4 B2K Dec. Qualifier 1 2011 GIGABYTE BF3 Cup Europe Season 1 2011 Fraggednation Hauppauge PC BF3 Tournament 2011 4PL AMD Play4BF3 April 2012 ESL Go4BF3 #30 2012 ESL Go4BF3 #31 2012 Personal Awards: - European AllStars V - Southern Europe - European AllStars IV - Southern Europe - European AllStars III - Southern Europe (captain) - European AllStars II - Southern Europe - Biggest Rambo of 2006 - Best spammer of 2006 - Spammer of november'06 by nAxid - Speed-cup #2 - Olympics ET Games #2 - ESL speed cup #1 |