okkoTamasuki's profile picture
  • Mr.Fiasco
  • Lives in United States of America us


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» Open Cup Division 1 3on3
» Ladder 3on3 cb
» Ladder 2on2 cb
» 5378 dmg , 41 hs @ 1 round versus cortana
» beat m1lk , toxic , mAus in 3on3
» play team france 3on3 & own too many one day cups +70

image: Lupe-Fiasco-3

».» My ET'Frag-moviEEEEEEEEE's[/b]].

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uxXqNanZC0 my movie ®
http://www.dailymotion.com/okko-omg account daylimotion

Arnold_Layne: okkoMizu (36points au scrabble, ca te classe med+/high, essaie de rajouter « jieh » tu passerais la barre des 50),

image: 10qynhg


image: fi Squall: Tuesday, 24th November 2009 00:43
too obvious cheater
image: fi re+play Swan: biggest joke ever
image: fi re+play Swan: amazing skill boost
image: fi re+play Swan: rly fuck off , you go get banned
image: fi re+play Swan: both
image: fi KirurG1 Tuesday, 24th November 2009 00:44
too obvious cheaterS
if kb wants some job he should spec this game from delivery->
image: pl gnajda: XD
image: pl Elviss: ?
image: pl fixxer: XDDDDDDDDD
image: pl fixxer: plz

image: de z3R0!: plz
image: de z3R0!: hurensohn
image: fr me: ?
image: de z3R0!: good song?
image: de z3R0!: or wh
image: de *** wEAK: not interested in a second map just leave and play better opponents , bb
image: be mAus: bb hackers
image: it cVs'steevije: nice aim bot
image: fr reload.Tsu: all cheat no skill? :(
image: nl one4one.hell: noname shooting 50hs per 20kills?
image: nl NL.joerii: hackers
image: se unix: okko and mirage are biggest cheaters
image: pl devilry-jebutor: you're a cziter
image: be 8b1ts.Worm #FiF: NICE WALLHACK
image: be 8b1ts.Worm #FiF: hi2u wallhacker
image: be 8b1ts.Worm #FiF: send me your demo plz
image: uk one4one.w3st: gl @ ec
image: ch minus-vegi: nice aimbot okko
image: be mAus: cu hackers
image: fr GP rqmbo: hax!
image: fr arkk: de toute facon ya que toi qui sait faire du jump-shoot a ET
image: fr boumbo: sa cheat fort dans ta movie , ETX inside!
image: si -slo.sAw-: FU CHEATER
image: se slajdan: fucking laging ETbot kiddie
image: se slajdan: ahhaha
image: se slajdan: ...
image: nl ictus.sAken fnTc : kanker laguer
image: be <o/ EDiT Kevin: cu@hacker
image: pl dialer: okkoRobot japa cheater
image: de bSTURZ|myth6s: fucking random with your hax
image: fr syncro.dadoO: okko t obvious
image: nl mize: EY GTFO
image: nl mize: EY
image: nl mize: GTFO

image: pl ridji: okko your unhittable frog :<
image: ee ocTooN|EURUZ: alex is less hacking than you, sorry
image: se Pepper: okko i spect ,you shoot on the walls
image: de myst6x: n1 wh
image: it VgS.Impe EF: lol plz sure hax..
image: fr dCEPTION gEx: toi sa ve voit ton ETX
image: ch [<<] viRal: toi et mirage sa se voit trop votre wh
image: se dfoxes-nackjee: i fucking knew you were hacking, i specced you on goldrush and you shootred threw wall

image: ch <+/ ReaVer: yavait un mur hein
image: fr manix: ça cheat severe dans ta movie mais , je suis pour le cheat moi, quand c'est des gens puissant qui l'utilise!
image: at onemove deAdLy: okko is a know cheater , demo!
image: nl twinzzy So now go away and try your hax on a other place
image: fr DS|StrAf <3: tu cheat aussi
image: fr serial: mec warp encore + ..
image: pt 6s'Lucifel: okko know cheater

image: ch wnc-vegi: they say u hack, so no
(* You were kicked from #wnc.et by wnc-vegi (Q-banned)

image: de CLOWNKENTA: guy you are suspicious
image: fr muse'douille: en meme temps, investir 75€ c'est un peu à la portée de tout le monde.
image: de HIGHBOTCRIATURA: zero to hero with your bot
image: fr carnardo: okko je connais ta tete desactive ton wh sinon la prochaine lan tu passe dans la cave
image: de dfx.FaKy: wp hackers
image: se alexL: gg wh
image: se ratZillA: played em and they had that retarded idiot okko aswell.. still held em 10+ mins on sd even if they were jumpin and givin 3 hs midair across the map...

thats when u know ur bad when ur shit with hax, talent

image: be Lazio: hey, how's okko doing mate. still up with that etbot ?
image: il ^jESUS: when will you stop hacking kult`hAukozitoo ?
image: nl morf a c c: u still cant hide ur hack btw
image: nl pstarZtwinzzy: cheater ftw
image: fi Squall: French frog with ETbot imo
image: be GiiN: fucking cheater

image: fr jeffk@11/07/07 J'en ai marre jme fait flammer IRL ct'aprem des gamines de 12 ans m'ont appelé harry potter omfg , conasses!!!

image: fr d1Oz OMG 100% gay et 1.49 cm ma queu

image: fr <fuZ> omfg ya une araignée volante chez moi

image: de viol: nice aim guys :)

image: fr Bruce_ : mon chat est malade je dois yaller
image: fr Bruce_ : dsl
image: fr Bruce_ : ++
image: fr Bruce_ disconnected

image: fr okko` yo
image: fr okko` 3ON3?
image: nl eC4`Overschie y0 etb0t
image: nl eC4`Overschie !
image: fr okko` lol
image: nl eC4`Overschie i play with a cheater too
image: nl eC4`Overschie so np

image: cz Speedy-Bozar okko just stfu, ur a random lagging hacker loving piece of crap... -.-

image: fi ENSAM i know you cheated, you know you cheated

image: fi Reikkeri: U wont get hacker , accept it

image: be xAv_: 12 joueurs a travers des murs cest trops pour son cerveau? heu 11

image: nl twinzzy stop hacking then kult`okko

image: be /4e gigi.: ok

image: be /4e gigi.: omg ok

image: be /4e gigi.: mais omg...

image: be /4e gigi.: t'es le roi qui mes les hs sans straf

New`fatal1ty ip?
image: nl jACKIE_ ok
image: nl jACKIE_ 1sec
[image: nl jACKIE_ you can kiss my tiny bud
image: nl jACKIE_ cancer moron
image: fr New`fatal1ty ?XD
image: fr New`fatal1ty kurwa!
image: fr New`fatal1ty vittu
image: fr New`fatal1ty :o)
image: nl jACKIE_ okko
image: nl jACKIE_ the cheater
image: nl jACKIE_ mongol
image: fr New`fatal1ty looooooooool

image: fr T4Ce`okko yo 3ON3
image: fr kAULIII non
image: fr T4Ce`okko pk?
image: fr kAULIII pas encore toi
image: fr T4Ce`okko ??????
image: fr kAULIII unHSable

image: fr T4Ce`okko yo 3ON3
image: fr kAULIII tu jou avc qui?
image: fr T4Ce`okko moi Nirv mirage
image: fr kAULIII non merci jai pas envi de me manger que des 3hs

quote for my movie:

image: mt KiLl3rBoY
If it is a bust movie 9/10
If it is a frag movie 5/10

image: uk ratZillA: <3 cheaters

image: ee dunZ


got an headache of these headshot hitsounds all the time lol

+ @ fra owning schweden :xD
+ @ pistol maus
+ @ french rap song

demo+mp3 anyways

image: fr smirzz:La movie de la mort qui tue !

image: ch vegi: haha, u mean that humanized aimbot "fragmovie"?

image: fi Mind: okko & mirage, prolly the worst cheaters after alexl

image: fi clouver: owned spirea and sanda 1vs2 :)?

nice movie!

for mirage and me:

image: ee infect: okko the t4ce cheater, HI!
image: be Lazio: 2 cheaters for the price of 1
image: be jetro:I bet they would outaim everyone on LAN.
image: nl Kiewan<3Ronner: cheats inc.
image: uk ratZillA: delete this, nub hoaxers
image: ee EmeRca: 2cheatersin1topic!
image: fr Elsen: Il me semble flagrant qu'il y ait beaucoup plus de cheaters en 3o3 qu'en 6o6.
Et c'est bien logique, en 3o3 le cheat est beaucoup plus "rentable" et permet à n'importe qui de rivaliser avec les meilleurs.
Entre l'aimbot qui permet de gagner les duels et le WH qui permet de débusquer ses adversaires ou de les éviter pour rush l'obj, n'importe quel random peut jouer du high.
Par contre en 6o6 ou les plus importants sont le cross, les positions, le tp, la stratégie etc. en gros l'intelligence de jeu , l'aimbot et même le WH ont un apport bien moindre (à part team full cheat bien-sûr).

Et franchement il faudrait arrêter de parler de "brain" pour du 3o3, parce que c'est pas comme si il suffisait de connaitre le temps de spawn et de camper à chaque angle hein. Bravo la reflexion demandée...
On voit souvent de bons joueurs 6o6 qui s'en sortent très bien en 3o3, mais on trouve surtout des monstres en 3o3 qui n'arrivent à rien en 6o6 ... On se demande pourquoi et c'est bien légitime.

image: nl pstarZtwinzzy: You are very proud on your quotes isn't it? I will tell u a little secret, you are cheating and you are the most retarded person apart from Rhand in this Enemy Territory community. Also you cheat harder then kenta ever did, and you are lying to your clanmates.
You were ex-t4ce, and that says enough about you and your ETbot, you aren't able to find any LAN-team for sure since everyone knows you hack.


image: 27236image: 27236


Ex-clans worth to mention: insecure retroactive floration T4Ce uNskill.eu execlam TURBO nkNn kruger -MoB eai niggah 33cl core89 iam.rtcw seekNdestroy cdap moine miami bLeach botZ outwit otto & stuff....

play - @ #LEVITTU 3on3 LEVITTU
@ #exilica 3on3 EXILICA|

miZu As the water I slide on my opponents, always fluid and powerful

setting In-Game: r_mode 8 , r_displayrefresh 75 , 125/81 FPS

Sensitivity: 24.4 , window 6 , 800 Dpi , - in-Game , mpitch 0.015 & myaw 0.011 @ FOV 90 [around 3cm for 180°]
CPU:() C===3
Motherboardla chatte a ta mere!
Memory***** YOU ARE A DICK EATER *****
Storage:() C===3
Graphics:( *SLURP*
Operating Systemokko Exploitation
Mouse:(==3 Razer deathadder
Mousepad:(=3 XTR
HeadsetHeadset from ww2
ConnectionsAken : kanker laguer