
LAN Veteran

Has attended an ET LAN event


image: cup_gold [urlnew=http://666kb.com/i/axy78ddqfjqgra5tt.jpg]nuked sol once[/url]

Enemy Territory:


Austria dude2k (c)
Austria feanor
Austria dr. bashir
Germany yzr
Germany cyrus
Germany christ
Germany wock
Germany/Austria m!das


Austria faker- <3
Austria spion
Austria potter
Germany shy_
Germany slaz
Germany RoXoR
Germany fak3
Germany shiNe
Germany earth
Germany/Austria m!das (c)

#hessen.et[/b] (Federal team)]

Germany huch (c)
Germany rak!
Germany greaT
Germany sYNeRR
Germany elektron
Germany Warrior
Germany teq
Germany r00t
Germany NoOby
Germany Alexius
Germany/Austria m!das

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

#rtcw.at[/b] (team.aut rtcw)]

Austria godfragger (c)
Austria sweeper
Austria defect
Austria mark
Austria killmyself
Austria rayn
Austria trend
Germany/Austria m!das


with teh famous Germany uNk and weekly changing lineup :D


Germany Cobra (c)
Germany headi (c)
Germany kazam
Germany denn!z
Germany sh!zzel
Germany m3xx aka hek (and many nicks more)
Germany schebek
Germany stylor
Switzerland vyron
Switzerland gifty
Germany/Austria m!das


Italy morstua (c)
Italy hans
Italy vegeta
Italy warp
Netherlands perfo
Netherlands kris
Germany phate
Finland sirrka
Finland jauhis
Switzerland gifty
Germany/Austria m!das

#sambadancers[/b] (the team that died before it begun *whine*)]

Germany phate (c)
Finland jauhis
Finland jusa
Norway qyz
Netherlands mize
Netherlands perfo
Germany/Austria m!das


handshake with Germany evil


Enlarged '05
Cmaxxx '05
Enlarged '06
CPC2 Enschede '07
CDC4 Enschede '08

another [urlnew=http://666kb.com/i/aj4l4idr7i7pqsbhs.jpg]proof[/url] that i am leet :)

extend buddylist:

Anonymous FrEak187
Finland kRONE
Germany scowl
Netherlands Alpine

image: c_hits since 19.06.0[urlnew=http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9L9RQHH5]stuff[/url]

image: mcdonaldshatercopyei6
image: thongloverue8
image: vodkanh4
image: smileykt8
image: airbreatherep3
image: aliensei9
image: ctrlaltdel1nd6
image: bubbieshq6
image: creampr9
image: lnrpagebaruh8
image: cigarettebr8
image: heterosexualhu9
image: hotfoxjj0
image: lovemoneyxo5
image: pandascp0
image: ilovethesunyl5
image: idlerlp3
image: iloveyougirlsrk2
image: luckystrikesmokernw9
image: matrixuserhl7
image: midzunaturalbeauty003co7
image: 18416304iz0
image: pinkef9
image: sexaddictsc2
image: ppppppppod7
image: standupspeakupwm2
image: summernh6
image: 52780032ac5
image: userbaroutservicexdlj7
image: whatdaud8
image: yingyanguserbarml2
image: fbibarge3
image: womeneyes02rv1
image: yinyangeg0


getting accused of being Germany heidenreich by Germany ocr'pumuji
CPUPentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06 GHz
Memory2,00 GB RAM
Storage700 GB
Graphicsx850 xt
SoundTeratec 5.1
Operating SystemWindows XP Professional
MonitorSiemens 21" 10 year old
Keyboardsome 5 € keyboard
MousepadRaZer eXactMat X speed
HeadsetSennheiser PC 160
ConnectionCable 6000