Sesky's profile picture
  • Seskapil
  • Lives in France fr
  • 16 years, 7 months and 1 day
  • Profile hits: 1078


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France staff (#et-fr)


Movie Star
Godverdomme Panzerfaust
(Nick used)

Current RtCW team :

Current ET team :
Killer de Mouches - KDM

France [b
France [b
France [b
France [b

Former RtCW teams :
France [b
Europe [b
Europe [b
France [b
Europe [b
England [b
Belgium [b
Europe [b
Europe [b

Former ET teams :
Europe [b
Europe [b
France [b
France [b
France [b
Europe [b
France [b
France [b
Europe [b
France [b
France [b
France [b


image: labels=1


CPUCore 2 Duo E6600 2.4GHz
MemoryCORSAIR DDR2 TwinX 2x512 Mo PC2-6400
StorageMAXTOR DiamondMax 10 - 80 Go SATA 300 (Cache 8Mo) + IDE 120 Go + IDE 300 Go
GraphicsATI Radeon Sapphire X1900 XT - 256 Mo GDDR3 - PCI-Express 16X - Dual DVI / ViVO
SoundMotherBoard (Asus P5B)
Operating SystemWindows XP Pro SP3
MonitorHarimax 19'
KeyboardLogitech iTouch (wireless)
MouseLogitech Mx1000 (wireless)
MousepadX-Ray Pad Thunder 9 BK2
HeadsetAltec Lansing
ConnectionFree Telecom 20Mbit Down / 1Mbit Up