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I do it like it's never been done
so you can suck my dick with an elephant's tongue.

United Kingdom Next Evolution ESC

Belgium SuP3R
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium chry
Belgium Jere
Belgium AL1

image: 4499101_700b
image: WyPb9
image: zB6d6
image: cheer-me-up
image: 543470_10150997112966055_225079981054_12436533_1161863586_n
image: 522582_10150963626848265_275365521_n
image: 533127_317340151680157_100002125250847_56490948_1947713473_n
image: 181451_466640640029812_225470934146785_1726540_292299944_n
image: i-can-count-to-potato-meme
image: 179976_224249291023873_214976491951153_394654_974545356_n
image: 547631_377641305604455_294368257265094_924014_1744249965_n
image: 306150_465550020138874_225470934146785_1721997_1820643044_n
me on normal weekday :) :
image: 1811.JewishSaying
me ready for party :)
image: scaled.php?server=18&filename=andyz
me in MCdonalds :)
image: 1282863_700b
me on carnaval :)
image: 167217_10150115269500236_60380295235_7989206_4321037_n
me doing interview :)
image: 390201_2801844055077_1527847122_32827290_389128910_n
image: 252687_108028169287019_108027682620401_76792_4459791_n

Quote by unforgivenomg just went to clab ,bac from clab and i gat nambar from samting luking laik a garl and si gaiv mi a strang nambar with 8 digits,idk maibi is nambar for loto,mi so drank ahahahahaha

image: Mental-Retardation
image: duivel

Quote by Ashleyi may have alzheimers but atleast i dont have alzheimers

image: grandpa%2Bsmile

