Codec x264 Filesize 65.00 MiB Length 100


Inspired (you will probably call it copied) by fredd, I made this little project in actually only around 8 hours.
Flame me, but constructive feedback is prefered and appreciated.

(On a side note: This was made for an intern moviemaking contest of some friends, every one liked it a lot and told me to publish it, so here it is..)

If you watch stream put it on HD.

Made for my own pleassure.
Done by fredd?
Done by fredd?
created by fredd?
Ok, so here is the combo breaker,



What can I say about editing - sick as fredd's style. Colors and quality were great but 66mb/min? I can't still understand why ppl are using this image version with shit death animation.

And why I saw there guy with nick 'wade' ? :(
cause it's the only image2 available (mad lost his code) :c

image1 is way slower.
I'm using image2 but this older version, I mean without this death animation :p
does it have demofilter?
no it does not. you don't need that if you use ps for pop-ups anyway.

EDIT: Hope your next movie will have different style. :<
ive head that song before...BUT WHERE
fredd done this?
oh yea thats it,but good job anyways :)
He is retarded, didn't expected much!

And nice to see you back to 'reltu' thingy :>
stop the hate :(
pls, its pathetic copy of fredd movies, what u expect?
Haha :D Quite funny how you actually used the same effects at the same points.
He studied fredd's film over 9000 times.
or just notice that the movie is similiar and watch em 1 after the other? thats wat i did and saw the same things at same points ;S
i have nothing against using similar editing styles as long as creater didnt scamp it , you had to work more on sync as the song gives loads of potentiality , anyway its not that bad at all , just next time get own song
well done vreed
nice but copy.

here is a nice song :
yes 1 is not used, uploading it w8.
Hey fredd, I'm kinda disappointed. Thought you could do better.
stop the hate it was just for a random mini contest he and his friends made ;d
can I? :D
links/ :D
YES blame the critic not the moviemaker. That's the way to go.
that's not criticism
It's pissing me off ! Stop sayin' "blah blah this is fredd copy". Fredd invented nothing. So we u have a fast edited movie with color effects and lightning it is shit because it looks like fredd ? Stop men just stop. He didn't make a copyright on it or something like. Ofc it looks like, and ? If it''s good where's the problem ? I dont understand...

Nice movie, maybe a bit short :D

+1, just cos you were the first to do something new doesn't mean its actually yours
"Fredd invented nothing"
Nobody here edited like him before.

Each moviemaker got his own style, something is appreciated because it brings innovation.
Here, reltu took his inspiration in fredd's movie (same music, colors, effect and editing), copying is sometimes good, but copying too much doesn't make any sense, where do you got the fun when making the movie ?
Editing is not innovating, dont mix two different things.
[fr] Pour info Szamar madar de Vsnares avait deja ete utilisé dans la movie des nelix NewAge il me semble, donc pour la music je pense que fredd n'as pas a crier au vol, surtout que dans son clip ( kevin il me semble ) il utilise EXACTEMENT le meme effet de crash que le clip original. [/fr]
Ok he should have use differrent effects & co but it looked quite nice imo...
I don't care who used the song first, who made this effect first etc...
Copying each point of an another movie is just simply lame (even if it's well done, which is not the case here)
So kevin by fredd is lame.
Same style. Same Editing. Same Effect.
I'm defending the fact that the ET moviemaker's community is small enough and it doesn't need a total copy between 2 fragmovies. You can't compare copying an ET fragmovie and copying a music video clip.
U are right. But is this a reason to flame like all people do ? Is this a reason to rate this movie like shit ? People should try to make movie, even copy, before rating and hating like this. This is my point of view.
I understand being inspired by fredd's style. That's ok - his movies are awsome and there are lots of small things than can be slightly copied into your own project. But hey, using the same music, same colours, same effects - that is just a copy, and it's pathetic indeed. I felt like he just downloaded fredd's .aep project file and placed his demos instead of fredd's one.
Creativity - 1/10
what anagaro said!
same song, same colours, similar effects

made by freddltu
You know how to make a movie, now find your own style !
It's 10 times more pleasant than copying :)
perhaps create a mix of the styles you like, add something new and make a new style out of them.
at least use a different song and colours :c
where i have already heard this song o.O
like vib said, take you inspiration from different style, don't hesitate to watch different fragmovie from other games like css, quake, cod4 etc, you will grab a great amount of ideas in no time.
For the music its the same, choose your favourite style and look for remix or unknown artist, there is tons and tons of music you can use :)
1. Why that shit blueshit?
2. Why that shit die shit like CS?
3. Short but ok :-)
busted guy...
Quote(you will probably call it copied) by fredd

when the first song you use is already from kevins movie i dont know why people would get that impression
Enjoyed it, although it was 'budget fredd' :D
broaden your range: listen to different styles of music. I always have random frag sequences passing through my mind when listen to certain songs (ya ya call me a nerd if u want :D) and these aren't even songs or scenes from movies that were already made. I've not the slightest motivation to learn how to use video-editing software and I don't know how to make movies, so take my advice however you like :P Basically, find inspiration through music and imagine out the project in your head. This takes a lot of time, certainly more than 8 hours so... anyways, not a bad start, good luck to you!
i need more time dude....
fuck yoself fucker... but youre right =)
ne ich hab heute keine zeit und meine mutter wird nich erlauben weil ich freitag einen termin beim arzt hab und vllt operiert werd :S
i smell a copycat
Don't be so mean martin! :<
wat? im beeing nice :s
ja leider....
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