Codec x264 Filesize 99.00 MiB Length 145

Fragarea : Scrapyard

Produced by Korea, Republic of quaky
Duration : 1:45
Resolution : 720p @30fps , 1080p @30fps
Codec : x264/AVC , NeroAAC

Starring :
Germany Lagg3r, Germany Butchji, Europe Freeze, Belgium mAus, Korea, Republic of Ponte, Korea, Republic of Agera (Remind)

Primary : 720p @Megaupload
Mirror 2 : 1080p @Megaupload
Mirror 3 : youtube

BGM : Finland Alt+f4 - Alt+F4
first in epic movie
second in epic movie
One of my favourite moviemakers! well done
fifth in epic movie
Problem caps?
No u Problem, LeFrancis?
2 seconds of freeze :p
expected better

too much lagg3r :P

(and saw already most of frags)
same here :/
oh i didn't expect this one to come.

Either way it's kinda far away from your previous projects but i guess this is some kind of testclip or unfinished movie.

It's mostly a lagg3r movie, but thanks for the movie ;)
oh woot
Quaky you are best moviemaker. I love trance music in your movies.
nowhere near as good as your previous project(s) but I still liked it :) gj
shit quality, nice cams, already used frags
still more enjoyable than your movies
you shouldn't even comment here, so please samAel grow some fucking pubes
dont agree
still more enjoyable than your movies
aaaaaand that's why all of your movies are terrible.
still more enjoyable than your movies
you got alot of haters x) well ur right anyway
you just lost your very last reputation to keep by this comment
+1 in your inbox
Quality is actually good enough.
+quaky style
-most of the frags are overused already

still 10/10
Great moviemaker.

I really enjoyed watching although it was obviously not as good as the first 3 movies. For a short project it is quite amazing.
clip of the year
samAel 3 7 4 3

samael mad because he noticed quaky is way better than him
haha its pretty avreage movie and all u fanboys r just pathetic xD funny guy u r, lil fanboy
Im great fan of Fragarea 3, best movie for me so far after requiem
your movies are so awesome, syke. this clip is better than any movie you ever made
Where did he state his clips are better.........
well u didnt state that your a retard who cant read
Just weird that if he says anything negative you are comparing this clip to his owns.
it's becos he's got some undeserved ego that i certainly need to help pushing down
so i have to be fanboy to enjoy quaky movies?
I don't think so, he's just good
I like his style.. and you are overrating yourself way to far bro
more like lagg3r fragmovie =D
nice nice :P euhh song???? :D
freeze - united kindom ? Is there another freeze also?
yes, the one from United Kingdom , who played for Estonia o2
Crazy SNB frag.
ur the best i love u
Love you too buddy.
i would let you sign my tits if i had tits at all
where was this demo when i was making the SNB movie huh?


you better have a good explanation...
Old PC mobo + HDD died. :D
i'll let you off; i'm a forgiving person
SNB movie was a piece of shit
beat that faggot ass JPop ALNC movie

Song was German btw
It was horrible dude :d
Lagger - The Movie lol...

Quality is nice but slighty flashes synchronized with music are annoying for me and I can see some issues with curves and polygons:


seta r_lodCurveError "0"
seta r_lodscale "99999"
seta r_subdivisions "1"

And that's all what You need. Overall it's enjoyable clip. ;]
someone knows a lot about moviemaking, Im surprised requem :)
3 years of experience are in price. ;d Also I'm studying Computer Science and in this semester I learnt sth about computer graphics and their implementations (Effects like Levels, Color Curves, Sharpen etc. more like things from simple Image Reader). This Summer wanna learn sth serious (OpenGL). ;)
very nice, I wanted to study 3D Animation & motion graphics, but I would have to move to a city almost 300 km away from my hometown to study it, and that was too much for me :/
Wanted study it too... But I didn't find sth interesting and serious about it in my localization. ;/
Like that is far away. :D
considering that I was 16 yo at this time, it was quite much for me. Also being not able to see my family & friends for a long period wasnt worth it, and travelling home every weekend would've been too expensive.
OpenGL? Engine coder?:D
We will see. ;] But I need refresh my knowledge about C++ (Last two semesters I wrote programs in Java). In next semester I'm going to Virtual Reality (OpenGL basics and other shit which screw up my life. ;d)
Once I had idea to write ET code(C) to Java,but idk,ET has like 200 000 C code lines so..>.<
If you can do mostly C++ and OpenGL,then it's easy to make game engines or make OpenGL cheats(;D).So good luck with learning it;)
Noooooooooo I'm not planning write cheats. About ET... Yes I thought about it (Moviemaking tool) but don't know yet how it would be look.
Moviemaking tool,you mean like make new engine what looks better and has better graphics?:D
For ET ofc:D
Thought about sth like q3mme. New engine is really time-consuming and it's not work for one person. :o
Well,I learned OpenGL and engine coding by following ETXreal project.
It's developed by one man,called Tr3b,he is proffesional coder,then Dushan,who works also on that.Just take a look at Xreal engine code by editing values,adding some things from OpenGL tutorials and you ill understand it as I do(learned OpenGL in 5months)
XReal isn't a totally new engine, but based on idtech3. You should check your resources.
The idea about porting 'ET' to java, I'd say, you don't have a single clue what you're talking about. Nor you have a single clue what effort and time this would cost.

I'm not saying this because I want to bring you down, but if I was you, I'd actually read / learn something before writing such statements.

You keep on giving people the impressing you 'actually' know something. From what I've read from you, I can say you just don't.
Yes I know that Xreal engine is based on idtech3.
The target wasn't converting ET C lines to Java:?
Well yes,I learned OpenGL by making my first own nerdy engine,it was some months ago,I learned OpenGL to make lights and make 2d to 3d.
Well I'm still trying figure out who I wanna be in future.
Because that,I'm learning every programming language/programming libaries little,to know it/use it.
But I'm most into PHP,because I'm rebuilding server tracker,I also like C#,it's easy,on desing way,easy to code fucntions.
So I agree with you.(C++ is too hard learning for me,but I can make little programms with it.)
Wasn't ETXreal engine target to make engine better by using GPU,not CPU,what idtech3 had and adding real time rendering with shadows..etc?
My reply yesterday was a little harsh, forgive me. But I get upset pretty fast due to false data spread around :).

I don't know the XReal 'core' too much, but when it comes to the graphical layer (OpenGL), I do know it offers GLSL (GL Shading Language) rendering, 64-bit HDR rendering pipeline, shadow mapping (gpu?), light interaction system (gpu!). It would make sense to let handle the following data by the present gpu.

To be fairly honest, XReal leads to nowhere and is nothing more than a bunch of unneeded / unnecessary "features" we basically don't need.

Edit: 2D to 3D conversion has nothing to do with the type of engine. Both 'types' are completely different :-)
Xreal is moviemakers dream by settings:D
Since I was testing it,the lightness was to to shy.Almost got eye cancer of it:<
I drawed Geometric (/_\) with OpenGL:D
I'd rather see ET being ported to DirectX for various reasons (Cache geometry on vertex buffers instead of display lists, COM interface and System emulation).

Dx SDK offers a better base anyways (own point of view).
How engine can be without DirectX,whats alternate for that?
I don't get your question. If you want, we can discuss this further elsewhere. This thread is about the movie, and not on how we can improve ET code-wise.

I have a slight guess of what you mean. You mix up the client side with the actual graphic layer. The client, that's what a game is about. The graphical layer (OpenGL, DirectX), is ... well, just the graphical size of realization (a general display of the client).
Yeah,thats movie section.
But I got my anserw,thank you:)
Btw,you are graphics artist or engine coder or what?
is xreal a moviemaker dream? because what i've seen so far isn't worth. I did better without having a new engine or 5000000 lines of code. Few good color presets can do the job.
Nothing to say:D
progamer movie
too many fanboys here, pretty bad and boring..
Please can someone tell me what the song name is? Fucking loved it.

Overall I didn't think the clip was that great, but I guess it was just something to pass the time seeing as loads of people are begging for Fragarea 4 :)
alt+f4 - alt+f4
superstar! Thanks a lot :)

dreamhack this weekend \o/
Yup, Reason bootcamping already been talking with trance because he's kind of the "host" for them and sounds like a right laugh :D
quaky making ET movie again its time to come back to ET !
Coz its too short.
2 bad its a short movie :/
Lagg3r the movie.
rename to lagger the movie
freeze the movie :D
and what's the song name :) ?
Hey quaky mate.

Seems to not be a full worthy follower of Fragarea 3, but still I enjoyed it.
Frags/soundtrack/editing/cfg were good, the only thing that wasn't that great are the colors, but that didn't hurt the clip itself that much.

Good work!

PS: One bad thing left -> it was too short. :'( Want to see more of your moviemaking skills!
Fake fragarea. Too many nonames to me.
nice, remind ownin' it up!
best movie maker
best music like always :)

song name pls
Alt+F4 - Alt+F4 (Original Mix)
The intro was really nice, some "older" content as some have said but I know you have had that content for a long time (unfinished Fragarea 4 etc).

bb quaky <3
+ editing
+ frags (too much lagg3r)
- outro
- too short! :')
is this the fragarea 4 which was supposedly on april '09? didnt watch tho but most ppl saying old frags so yea

p.s. loluback
Lol Me :o


I'm famous ^^

Thanks for using my frags in the movie, love you :)
You are famous now!zomg
Btw nice frags.
You got fanboy now.
cool faster reload against oxid :P
Lagg3r the movie
Finally something new, good and definitely better than all those movies released in this and few previous months. Too bad it is so short.
whats wrong, samAelm8?
kurwa typ wydal klip 1,5 minutowy z jakospcia godna pozalowania, tylko z kilkoma dobrymi kamerami i plebs sie jara, plz :D
Fragmovie ma swoje 'flow' i nie jest nudne jak flaki z olejem, to sie ludziom podoba :).
jak dla mnie 90% fanbosjtwo i tyle, mainstream
Nie zartuj sobie. Ma zajebiste flow i zaden moment nie jest nudny. Chociaz sam fakt ze ma taka reputacje sprawia ze ludzie z zajebistym zaciekawieniem czekaja na kazdy nastepny moment ktory on zrobil, a skoro nie ma negatywnych komentarzy to znaczy ze sie nie zawiedli, fanbojstwa tutaj wiele nie ma.
no 1,5 minutowy kilp jak moze bycx nudny jak sie konczy za 1,5 minuty?XD plz, to ze ma taka renome sprawia ze 90% to fanboje
kocham fragarea 3 i daje mu 10/10 ale ten klip jest zalosny :D
Jest genialny i zdecydowanie inny od innych filmow. Ma swoj styl quaky i tyle, widac to np po pojawiajacych sie napisach i szybkich kamerkach, to jest wlasnie ten pierdolony zajebany maly szczegol ktorego nie mozesz ogarnac :P
ja kamer nie moge ogarnac? chyba Ty
Nie chodzi mi o to, jezu przestan patrzec na moje komentarze jakbym mial sie za jakiegos lepszego - ja juz w tym nie siedze i mam wyjebane, tylko chodzilo mi o to ze Ty nie mozesz zauwazyc tych malych szczegolow w tym filmie by Ci sie spodobaly, bo juz na wszystkie patrzysz mega krytycznym okiem i zaczelo sie to przejawiac tym ze inni hejtuja Cie za Twoje filmy - nie wiem, i tak sie nie przyznasz zreszta to malo istotne. Tak wlasciwie to Tylko Ty masz taka opinie, cos jest nie tak.
zomg, nie na wszytko. Akurat ten klip wyjatkowo nie przypadl mi do gustu i tyle, a inni co prawda hejtuja mnie za poglady tyle ze ja mam na to mega wyjebane, inaczej nie zrobilbym juz nic w tym temacie

cf akurat to nie jest miejsce dla kreatywnych ludzi
Ale nikt jeszcze nie spojrzal na ten film w ten sam sposob co Ty, wiec cos musi byc nie tak. No ale sa gusta i gusciki, a i tak wszyscy Cie za mega hejtera uwazaja :P Swoja droga nie wiem czemu robisz filmy w 3miechy, wytlumacz mi bo nie rozkminiam tego :P
taki mialem flow akurat.. templar powstawal po lroku i to widac, teraz irddla bedzie powstawac podobnie
chujnia jak ja pierdole, przeciez wiem ze jestes kurwa przechoj i moglbys rozjebac system tylko trzeba Cie dobrze ukierunkowac. Widac brakuje Ci takiego mentora jak ja. Widziales co requem zrobil z woodym, to wszystko byl moj trening! :XDD
To jest jak z programowaniem. Jak masz zajebisty pomysl i wiesz jak to zrobic, to 3-tygodniowy projekt rozjebiesz w 2-3 dni. ;d

Na Woody'ego poswiecilem hmm... 2-3 tygodnie (Zaraz po dostaniu nowego kompa, bo na starym w chuj wszystko wolno chodzilo + jakas dziwna jakosc wychodzila)? Jakby jeszcze bylby dodatkowy tydzien na to, to gruntownie bym zdebuggowal i poprawil. ;d
pierdolenie o szopenie
Ale w chuj prawdziwe i wlasnie przez to przechodze. ;x
konfernacje na gg sobie zrobcie !
what program do you recomend to watch this video @1080p?
I have VLC player
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat a quaky movie?!?!?
crap, nothing special 4.5/10

it would be good but 5 years ago
No M@x!?!?!? What the fuck is this madness
I don't get the point from this movie. It's all deja-vu.
Quaky nice movie!! Trance all the way. For your next production I say Emotion Flash (Elevation Big Room Remix Dub).... part from 3:36 till end.

(both probably for slomotion action)

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