Video available for download only


Interlude - minimovie

starring BelgiumKevin
movie by EstoniaFredd

Length: 2:41
FPS: 30
Format: 1280x720 xvid
Size: 92mb

some movie talk:
Quotefredd: I lost my project file a few days before releasing this movie, this is an older preview render that I had on my hdd and I decided to release it anyway so my work wouldn't go to total waste. A few polishing errors and a few good ideas that I can't implement anymore, but it's okay. After hearing a few opinions from friends the movie should be quite enjoyable to watch anyway!

QuoteKevin: i love it

Quote(`wad-ag0n) the dark colors are good.. but u could try to work them a bit more
(`wad-ag0n) same for the velocity effect.. u should try to work them a bit more
(`wad-ag0n) but its good...
(`wad-ag0n) the idea is great/music
(`wad-ag0n) but i enjoyed the edit

(superboyy) nice one
(superboyy) font sucks
(superboyy) some cams suck
(superboyy) other than that its good



venetian snares - szamar madar (A great inspiration for this movie - )
Primary ( mirror includes a .mp3 of the song

shoutout / thanks to:

kevin - one4one, team <[o]> and team edit/overload

fredd - ag0n, westi, superboyy for helping me with some problems during the movie, meez and vae-adizz for mirrors

image: img_2493c45c637ae93332f193a91207787c
najs najs
didnt like the b4 colours but everything else was alright
promising pic

e: good clip. watched it twice in a row
i'm glad most peope so far have atleast liked it, i don't feel so bad about losing my project now.. just wish I could of polished it more.. :)
i dont like it :(
but i love reset effect ;D
really nice! too short :)
Nice clip :D
Dunno if u ment it to be dark, but was ok for me.

frags are boring though x)
awesome work!
well done fredd.
was about to comment 'stream or gtfo' but it's only 2:41 and got positive feedback from ENSAM and the maker of mikkomovie + the pic is indeed promising so I'll humble to download this one

ed1t: didn't like the colors but otherwise cool clip
i didnt make MIKKO_MOVIE :-(
forgot 'and' :_(
BIEST :DDD nice stuff, might wanna include your docrun vs Inc for the full movie :DD
v2ga kena

omfg well done ? :| tbh this movie is shit ... decent frags but fucked up ... ehh failed
glad you liked it my polish friend!
ps. on an unrelated note, there are 2 bimbot customers in your friendlist, unaimed and m3rc
cause i am also bimbot customer and admin of that auth database ... hi2u sherlock bust meh
very nice 10/10
10/10 ofc Nice Movie
cudos to the creativity - very enjoyable - well done 9/10
must be awesome!
nah, it's great, though i liked colours only at that gr-radar-gr-supply-frost-gr part, other scenes are too dark & green
a part of the movie idea that people seem to be missing is that the colors are kinda extreme at first ( i like them ) and after the crash they go to "normal"
looks like you are the only one who likes those colours :D
ag0n liked them.. :D
I guess it depends on peoples monitors etc :P
imo normal colours are much more pleasant to watch 8]
They are great! I already wanted to whine, why u didn't keep them.
Hungary szamár madár LOL
I love this. A rare kind of movie. Finally something with flair/style and flow, not the fucking boring standard movies with 39843284 times used shitty rock/metal music and ideas.

The colors own.
loved the cfg, reminds me of CastorFiber in a way!
well castorfiber looked pretty good but this was just horrible
yea, it 's far away from CastorFiber... in any way - I just wanted to mention that there s a small similarity.
It's still good tho :D
great job fredd <3
+/- cams
and big ---- on the colors (plz dont do that again)
lamppu lamppu
nice music and quality !!
team <[o]> best team ever tbh
can't agree more
der kwam wel ni echt, NIKS team o in voor e, in dees movieke :p ma mijne naam is der wel 1ne keer in gekomen :p en diee van u 0 0 0 0 :DDDD seg kom is ff msn :) we belle sowieso straks nog e! rond 6uur ofzo... grtz
:DDDD ik heb tenminste iemand!
wanted to say the same
echt eh, wa een janet :/
what about the c/c of the video clip ?
==> (thx Garvo)

+ frags
+ music
+/- sync
+/- color
+/- cams
- quality
verry nice =)
colors are worse than in klejf's movies which i thought is impossible.

editing was cool in some parts though it reminded a lot nonix' movies. start was boring and really couldnt catch it anywhere cuz of the colors. actually how many guys did die in that panzers at start
Couldn't agree more about the colors.

About the start - it still bothers me how many guys he actually killed with that panzer.
And about the nonix-like-style = agree, but it was still good.

ps. Do you guys see any things that might be straight copied from here?:----D
yeah, it was a really big inspiration since I loved that music vid. I also took the BSOD screen from there, since i couldn't think of another place to get it.
Well, you could've use the same ideas but you use exactly same effects at some points. :)

I'd like to rate this 9/10 but I can't see alot of creativity if you copied that much from the video :< and the colors + value of brightness didn't please me. :()
I'm sure I didn't copy any effects, atleast not on purpose.. can you tell me exactly which effects you mean?
I meant, for example, those "ho" -screams which were actually the same in the music video.

And I'm still not sayin' it was bad. Rare could've re-expressed it in such good way!
Not on purpose atleast..
Cafteur! Retourne manger tes baobabs mon canard!
Euhm, have you ever thought that being Swiss (half-swiss in this case) doesn't mean you can understand french? :--)
I said: Bastard, return to eat your coconut trees! (not exactly bastard, you know..but I only know this word..)
copying footage from another movie? doesnt get more lame than that.
it was a music video, yes.. not another "movie" i took the bsod screen from that cause i can't exactly record my own bsod :e
ah excuses. its easy to make a bsod and everything else seen there.
the colours are lighter then klejf's movie
and LOL'D @ the music :) Hungary Szamár Madár
and why u didn't add the source from the original clip ?
lazy ?
Or u thought : Great, they will think it was my own job / ideas, i'm da best "
pathetic :s
yes, the music clip was an inspiration for me since I liked it so much, but I think you're missing the actual ET footage here. I'm not a mean attentionwhore, i would of glady included the youtube link if you thought it was so important. (And I did now)
I really really like it.This movie shows that qualy is overrated!

10/10 :>
let me extend my comment:

i like the transitions, and syncing. timeremapping was done good at some times. i wouldnt prefer if the entire clip was made like the first minute. if the chaotic atmosphere was kept like that, and you improved some of the cameras, and fonts, it could be one of the best short movies.
Agree :)

(and quality)
-Editing looks like Nonix rly.
- Colors hmm, If u like this style ( for me its sux ) you must work @ it, I know it's AE plugin " Film magic pro green style ". You can make better colors on this plugin rly.
- bad cams :c ( 1 or 2 cams were good but rest of it = sux )
- Frags = good
- translitions hmm not bad but u use same thing all time ( TWITCH with gold light ) you can make diffrent translitions with this Plugin
- Music = +/- good for me, but it's taste only
- +/- good sync but I think you used too much flashes
- GL in next movie
I wasn't trying to look like Nonix :P
Nonix style is the best. :D
everything was good apart from the quality and colour - was way too dark for me
frags are pretty nice but the colour suxx
I liked it, it was fast and didn't get boring. Music rocked and it had some nice ideas. You Could have lighten it up a bit and fix the colors.

Frags were decent.
+/- music
- colors

gj, some better settings/colors and its perfect.
Colors, mmh .. excellent. I love that, those greeny dark style.
(btw, used by many photographer and producer)
But here, maybe, just a bit overdone.

Loved too the jerky scenes, fits well with this great music

overal 8 imho
wtf @ support cams @ radar and gold allies spawn lolc :E
movie was far too dark, wasnt able to see any texture on b4, only lamps :E
frags were good, edit overall looked too much videocopilotlike

the wnb crash effect made me lol :D
Complaining about dark movies?
Check your snoop movie , that's what i call dark , and so overedited you miss half the frags. This was better
depends for who, at least i can see textures in my movie, unlike this
fucking gay mirrors :[
but agood movie
-colors in the first minute... very ugly until 1:20 or smth
omg...this is what i call ugly...

rest was ok
very nice music combi with gameplay <3 love it
watched it two times. ears and eyes are bleeding. all your editting did was make it even harder to understand wtf was happening.
this minimovie was just made to create a tiny memory for the 141 period, that's the reason it's so short

glad to see that most comments are positive though, :)

anyhow pretty amazing :X
bestest trailer ever
ugly colors i cant really see anything. too much pointless cameras where you cant even see the frags. obviously you copied things a lot. good luck for your next project
With crt it was very dark, but i liked the colours and the edit. I enjoyed the music, the only thing was sad the long of the movie :(
Original :)
I <3 reboot xD
Very Good ;]

enjoyed it!
I like the visual style/editing, although it would have worked a lot better without the text.

Players disappearing before they are killed by airstrikes (yes, I know why) looks really weird.

Too bad you lost your project, but this was still worth watching. :)
venetian snares (!!)

I am downloading

e: liked the colors but the crash part just made no sense to me
the colors went to normal after the crash.. that was kinda the point of it
yeah but the sound frightened me.
it woulda frightened you more if i left it on 100% (lowered to like 20% volume) :d
nice movie frags were good and editing was nice , but colors were a bit too dark :S
Outro 10/10
10/10 all
Wow, this movie is so incredible...
The dark effect and the music are really nice
One of the best things I've ever seen...

well done fredd
Loved the music and the colours actually fitted well with that style of music. Just make it a little less chaotic at some parts
it was a bit too dark tbh

but omg u scared the shit out of me with that crashing thing :S
i liked it alot. it was very different which i liked :)
Awesome vid but the reboot part killed the momentum... no point in stealing stuff from a cpm fragmovie.

Anyway made ET look pretty fast paced, you managed to create a certain atmosphere that I usually miss in fragmovies.
Quoteno point in stealing stuff from a cpma fragmovie.

what the fuck?
What do you mean with what the fuck?
well, wtf do you mean by that? what cpma movie?
i've seen it a long time ago and i didn't steal anything from it, matter of fact, it's not even remotely similar to my movie.

edit: just watched bad juju again

idd lobster used the same bootscreen from the venetian snares music video, that doesn't mean i stole it from him, it means we both used the same source. didn't even know he used it also.
Ok let me put it this way, It wasn't orriginal and it didnt fit in the movie.
ok, there we go. :)
Sooo fucking great! <3
lol this song is awesome! im listening to it all day long now
pretty cool overeffected but fits
Really awesome, so well done, fredd ur my hero
fucking awesome, and I dont agree about "too dark" comments, it adds an own style to this movie :) it has climat man, great work
liked it
2 links not working :(
Could you add them again?
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