Codec x264 Filesize 396.00 MiB Length 950
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My second movie, starring FranceKrypton. The frags are not high skill, but i principaly worked on the editing to make something a little bit different.

Thx FranceP3T4RD & FranceevL for the ftp.

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nice movie
good movie, nice editing
picture looks promising, dling
Very nice.

Mirrors for this?
Wow.. really nice work there.

The config was maybe too similar to Max Chapter 3 and there was definitely too much glow at some points overrunning the fragpopups completely. Hitsounds felt a bit strange at times when the guy was giving bodyshots only, but since they were used constantly throughout the movie.. guess it was better this way.

Not much else to say.. amazing work on editing part, great camming, music choices fit well in and so on.. and you even managed to get the aspect ratio straight, which seems to be so rare nowadays!

Oh, and that pic reminds me so much of Lamattitude! :P

Edit: and yeah, some scenes were cut out a bit too fast.
really nice movie!
rly nice one :)
good job! If u used fps 50 or so, it would be even better i think
nice movie, good job PhaLoiD
First of I'd like to say nice one using ovh dedicateds, fast speeds :P

THis has to be one of the best ET movies I've seen in some time. It certainly wasn't the best but I can see alot of time has been put into this movie. Some cams were a bit unnecessary, content was ok, I liked the quality and the effects plus the music used was chosen well. What's important though is that I enjoyed it and I'm sure others did too!

Really liked the nade effect at 8:09
nice movie

terrible aim
Very well done. Too bad that the colors, cfg and the hitsounds were similar to mAx chapter 3 by -Max-. But well its ok.
Looking forward for a new project from you ;)
Oh my :) very nice movie! (eventhough I was owned:<!) I like it! 10/10
Really liked the editing and music.
mixed feelings to be honest, maybe im just tired cause i just woke up. :P
there were some good ideas and effects, nice editing. although it was kinda ruined by the panning / zooming.. eugh. i personally didn't like most of the cams either.. they could of been smoother. music was cool, liked some songs and didnt like some. a tip though, use higher source fps so you can use smooth slowmotion.. (and thus sync more).

looking forward to your next movie.
i dont get enough disk space to record at 200 or 100 fps..
anyway thx for the comment :)
even 60 or 50 would be better though, you could atleast use 50% slowmotion without choppiness
yup, gonna take look on that for the next one :)
A clan/community project would be awesome. The editing and the overall quality of that movie was just great. Together with top players and frags you could create something really big. Krypton had some nice kills already but you can expect even greater frags from mAus, wiesiek, Night and co. Maybe ask top teams like ButtonBashers, k1ck or mamut.si if you can present them in your next movie. A ButtonBashers movie edited by you for example would be just awesome :)
dunno if there is enough players interested/motivated, quaky was not having lot of demos and fragarea 4 is actualy canceled :(
I'm sure you would get some interested teams. Look at the bottom of the comments, accurate is interested, already ;) But without willing to talk them bad, you will find stronger teams without any probs. Just contact BB, VAE, k1ck, FG or mamut and I can guarantee at least one team will be interested. Keep it up.
just use image, with even 40 fps it will look fine, with 50 moar fine and so on :<
song from 2:19 ?
isnt mentioned in the outro
Overseer - Stompbox, pause the outro @ 9:24 you'll see it :)

Some cams are nice - nade follow cams etc, but most are too chaotic to even make sense of them.
you clicked the wrong button :!
You mean when I clicked Review? How did you know I clicked that? :o

it shows up in the admin log and I was constantly doing it when review first appeared, damn memory routines!
One Word:

great editing,liked the sync etcetc !
didnt like it at all
good job!
nice movie, wish i couldve played a match on helmsdeep for once :<
.mkv nice :)

[e] nice edit,quali, looked abit choppy tho

+ the inside bomb effect :D
+ the crmbz like colors
- weird use of hitsounds ;p
-/+ frags weren't vs EC SKILLORZ, but still nice

rly nice movie actually, nice editing, nice effects, good intro + outro.

would be even a bit better if only his own frags wouldve been shown ;]

what do u mean ? all the frags has been made by krypton ;p
i know, but if u used uvmovie mod you could enable the feature via mm_drawyourownfragsonly 1 , which only shows kryptons frags, and not the ones of his teamm8s and the opponents. ;)
yup it look cool when u have a something > x4, but doesnt give the same effect during a x2 or x3 :s
only what i can see after that is white lights O.O it should be more darker
crappy frags tbh
it's easy to whine about the frags btw do a fragmovie and after we will laugh !

PS: oh you can't do more than one kill in bs damn :(
No need to nerdrage dude, I just said my opinion. Your aim was horrible - at most parts you didn't even try to aim at head. 90% of the frags were either against low+ enemies or mixeds, awesome.
boon it's what do you say i'm don't agree with you that's all

90% wtf just open your eyes plz

edit: and i say i'm not high do you understand that?
don't argue with other opinions :)
phaloid pown > all @ movie tbh like movie cdr :p

gOod jOb!
It was quite nice.

Some good points.

- Quality was decent. Too much glow at some maps though (karsiah).
- Intro and outro were well edited and original.
- Some great editing and sync. But with these songs, the sync could've been so much better.
- Nice cams but make them a little more smoother.

Some bad points.

- Some frags were nice but most were against random clans who hardly shoot back.
- Helmsdeep?
- Didn't see much point in the dynamite machinima.
- Slow-mo looked choppy.

It's a pretty good movie. I hope to see some more soon.
nice movie, hitsounds sounded a little different but overall it was very well done :)
great editing

hint to the player: you get more damage if you shoot enemys' heads
A really great movie ...

(+) Pretty nice intro / outro
(+) very funky funky effects
(+) 3d used for some other effects
(+) creativity, quality, editing
(+) new talent moviemaker !

(-) frags : only bodyshot on the beginning, a lot of backrape, low hp opponents
(-) random opponents (except lio)
(-) music sync
(-) shitty hitsounds all the movie long ...

overall : 8/10 (10,10,4,8)
It wasn't anything special to be honest.

Looked choppy throughout the movie. Some motion blur might've saved it.

+ A few nice ideas
+ A few cams

- Looked too much like mAx chapter 3
- A few things copied straight from Winghaven's OOTW2
- I don't think this was an original movie
-- Popups, just use the default ones.
---- Cidelcorp Productions intro - coulnd't have been uglirer, except the text, which was halfway decent.

Absolutely a decent movie but certainly not a keeper :-(

phaloid <3

editing excellent, cfg aussi etc, rien a critiquer!
ur aim is really terrible... seriously
really nice movie, didnt expect it to be that good, really worth of watching and i surely save it and watch it again after some time, good job =)

maybe a project of some highskiller's demos and you could make a movie of the year, really I saw a lot of potential in you!
VAE - The Movie
30 minutes of twidi raging with mg
pazuchmpp.avi pwns.
really I saw a lot of care in your comment!
really liked it nice working with the camera's and editing make the #accurate clanmovie ^^
to bad you recorded with low fps, its VERY shoppy. save the project so you can remake it later on when you have more HD space. for the rest its very noice
I liked it, and although some bits were a bit messy, you could see the effort put into it. I did think it was a bit 'vegas-y' as you seem to have exhausted everything in sony vegas, and I think you could of made some neater effects if you learned to use after effects more.

Best movie effortwise for at least 6 months.
nice movie.

fucking nice.
high movie for low skill :s

backrape & bodyshot.
stfu tzbq =)

tu ne vois que le négatif
that's a GREAT MOVIE :D i've been waiting for smth like that fooor a loooooong time! 8)) THX!
the outro is really nice. the thing with multiple captures of the supply cam. the 3d animation of the dyna mechanism was a nice idea but i think could be done a bit better (cam going into the dyna in et, and then switch to 3d of the inside, and when it triggers go back out slowly, and then the explosion). there were a few nice cams (like the on at braun controls), but most of them were very bad.

other than that i dont find it anything special. the color range is somewhat similar to the colors in which cars from audi are available. slow motion wasnt done right. the body shot hitsounds in the scenes make you wonder if they were turn on too mock the player. the quality isnt anything special which it should be at 40mb/min. i think the popup text is ugly (why didnt you use the same font as you did for center text?).

not a bad try, but it seems kinda sloppy. i think you can do a lot better on your next project
but Quality = 3 :o
perhabs it's nothing special but it's still good
poor colors, bad motion blur, bad slowmotion and 40mb/min. seems pretty much like a 3/10 to me.
"slow motion wasnt done right"

What do you mean?
Sometimes the video was choppy...looked like it was recorded with fraps and hearing 'Medic!' over and over gets annoying, other than that good movie.
+ Editing
+ Musics
+ Creativity
+ Cams

- Sync
- Frags
- Hitsounds

Pro moviemaker but player could have been better.
the movie is only a bit above average unfortunately

some ae effects attempts mostly failed or looked too obvious (its good you tried tho)

colors look a bit washed for me, that browntone gets boring after a while, also, im not a big fan of glow or other type of diffusion

some frags were pretty ok, but its not the right way to put the hitsound where the player hits all bodies, you have to try to make video look like he shot hs only, not the opposite :D

outro looked nice, shame you didnt get that box idea into the end, with contact n stuff

you have some moviemaknig potential, nice that you tried to make something different, but i definately wont signup under the "great movie" comments- your movies need you to have more experience until you make something really good. fortunately for you its the matter of experimenting with stuff, not learning it.

i voted 8/7/4/4 and i hope its quite explained above
je suppose que tu es d'accord avec nous la , la plupart dit quil y a pas bocoup de HS
I think its a good thing have hitsounds in every scene if you have once decided to use them in a movie, doesnt matter if there is some scenes with fever headies or maybe with only bodyshots. :P

Your aiming made me feel nauseous.
really nice movie ;)
kinda liked it tbh, thx for adding uv tools to the programs used, its so rare ;/
i always put ultraviolet moviemaker mod into the programs used :)
I guess he putted a lot of work in it, what most moviemakers don't do and people still manage to say negative shit.

10 / 10 / 10 / 10, Well Done!
cams - overall good, but could be much better, some cams look really crappy
colors - well, i like max chapter 3 style, but glow ruined everything, really too much of it
hitsounds - quite good, i like "hitsounds" movies even if they are not hs only (better then no hitsounds at all like u did it in Lorraine movie which was for me really good too)
effects - movie would look better without those random effects like that in 5:10 (maybe some more skills and experiences in AE would fix it :) )
motion blur - i didnt noticed any signs of that... and slow motions looked weird to me too
popups - use same font in popus and "You killed..." text next time, and some popus were absolutely different from those u r using ingame, thats big minus for that too
Overall: really nice movie against mostly unknown players (dont know range of skills, maybe low+ to med (except for TAG)), but with nice frags and with a lot of ideas, even if i wrote negative criticism I think this movie is going to be one of the best in year 2008 (in top 10 for me)
videocopilot ftw :-)
I don't think learning different techniques from tutorials is bad.

But copying ideas from other movies such as Out of the way 2, mAx chapter 3 and Fragarea Fusion... is just lame. Like in this case.
"I don't think learning different techniques from tutorials is bad."

ftw=for the win
What exactly was copied from Ootw 2 and Fragarea? Sure he used the same song as in Ootw but I'd hardly call that copying.
you should seriously start thinking about moviemaking for money:)

btw love the dyno scene
bad frags :|
amazing dyno shit =P
too much shit.
Liked some shit.

nothing here is new no new ideas nothing its dont even an avrage movie its just a
copy movie of max's movies its look like max's movies style its have almost the same colors
same white sky ( i dont even remember the effect) everything here looks so overused realy when i saw ppls rating this movie as 8\10 i said "lets check it out" but this is realy
lame usualy i dont talk like an inmature person and say "this is bad " but the new moviemakers should know that in order to make a good movie they need to do smth new or at least smth that dont look like another movies cuz copy's never works u didnt take evern an tips from his movie or being influenced u just copy it only max can do this shits try to develop your own style plz
at least the music was ok and the into\outro
max > obama

klejf > the rest of poland jewish community
nice job of the moviemaker!
next movie make it of an higher skilled player.
was geting seasick of some frags :x
frag ===> joke ?

very nice editing phaloid i love u
Nice work PhaloiD !

+ Nice quality,
+ Enjoyable effects,
+ Amazing work to sync the hitsounds,
+ Attractive cams,
+ Some frags,
+ Intro/Outro.

- Frags could have been better synced with the music,
- The majority of the frags,
- While watching, I _sometimes_ had the feeling of warp/lags (maybe it was Krypton ? / With how many fps did you record ?).

-> Voted 7/8/5/9

Once again, gj !
bonne movie, t'inquiète :)
one of the best movies i've ever seen best quali and best effects!
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