fix this site please

Fix the site please its allready so long full of spam this is so not good.

Maby make a donation link too fix this website pease of history of our allmighty game Enemy Territory.

Or just u know like Tosspot said This is the End....
+1 for this journal
Don't you enjoy all those escorts or pills.. or whatever topics?
I read them all and click all the links!
Yes need it iam a old men
Pffft... old man... not in a long shot.
i actually enjoy some new content now and then...
kind regards from ... (whats it called...) delhi(?)
hello internet
Someone who is in charge should just disable the account making. No one new isn't coming anyway. Or have some kinda two-step authing, dunno.
We used to have some admin ability to do that but its gone.
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