Total amount: 1612
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999 Units Per Second

The end is finally here. After months and months of jumping, here is one last final original trickjump movie. I'm fairly confident saying there will never ever be a movie with better jumps anymore.

Thank you, the community, for the endless hours spent on this game.
Thank you Splash Damage for giving us this amazing game.
Thank you for watching.

Good bye.

Revan trickjump

A little collection of my old trickjump movies. Always enjoyed gammajumps, never used cgaz.
I might make a new one but actually im lookin for moviemaker.

Q of the Game - Overwatch - Silveri - Clip

Made this short clip of myself playing Overwatch. Go check it out! Any feedback welcome.

7ele's unpatched demofolder

DEMO to MP4 of my old unpatched demofolder. Demos are from 2006-2009 on ET 2.55

HARD RESET - A Titanfall Movie

HARD RESET - A Titanfall Movie

After 4 months of production, HARD RESET has been released. Directed by Andrew "Demanufacturer" Townsend - Director of the Wolf: ET movies Vindication and Redemption. Demanufacturer aka DMAN led the first Australian team to attend and compete at Quakecon back in 2005. His team Modus Operandi finished 5th in the tournament.

Making full use of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, HARD RESET showcases some public but mostly competition footage including voice comms. Due to only having POV shadowplay footage available (no cams) a lot of custom motion graphics have been used to wrap up the footage with complex intros and outros.
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