Total amount: 1612
77 78 79 80 81
mazamovie 3

mazamovie 3

E: if you want quality you might want to download it :F

Starring maza, made by maza, ET and QL frags.
Just felt like emptying demofolder again. Described enough?
ET frags are nothing special and as a QL player I'm a joke.


infected mushroom - heavyweight
avicii - levels (original mix)
mt eden dubstep - sierra leone
kivikasvot - tankeros love
red hot chili peppers - c'mon girl
krazy baldhead - the 4th movement (the glitch mob remix)
kivikasvot - tankeros love

Single Gaming streL

Probably one of the best Movies ever made.
Editing by Evgeny "mix(eP)" Petuhov, frags by Vladislav "streL Ishkov.

Releasing Date: Summer 2009

My Army by 3n19ma

New CSS fragmovie by 3n19ma.

DP headz

Given the task by headz, ZeroQL adds another movie to his already impressive portfolio!

DP headz is a frag compilation of several players in the DP team: headz, ynam, dem0n and naity. It features solely CTF content, which automatically increases the average rating of this movie by +2

Winning movie of my schools national short movie contest.

Well my school had it's every-year Short movie contest.
Where all John Bauer schools through out the country participates, about 10 schools.
This year's theme was Joy and Venture.
About 19 different videos was sent in for the contest.

Here's me and my class movie, which was representing our school this year.
It's also the movie which won the contest :)

Hope you enjoy it and the message reaches to you and maybe creates a difference in your daily life.

Have a nice day :)

p.s yea im the emo guy
77 78 79 80 81