image: ncfinal

It’s the final countdown! Not only a great line in a song, it’s also a great way to describe the little time we have left until our XF NC Grand Finale!

With the match only a day and a bit away, we just have enough time to take a last minute glimpse over the players involved, along with some views from the people who will be entertaining you on Sunday night via the marvelous invention that is ETTV.

I’ll try to add some more opinions/views as I go, who knows, it depends who’s around the next day or so but please oh please just make sure you watch the fucking game itself, otherwise all this shit I have been typing will be meaningless and I’ll be trying to cut my wrists with a butter knife. Nah, just kidding. :)

Hopefully United Kingdom TosspoT will be around to cast the game, who knows. I’ve kept on saying that all through the tournament and I apologize for the lack of English shout casting available but TosspoT has a trendy knack of being available when it really counts, so let’s hope this time is no different than the rest.

Anyway, I hope my article gets you at least thinking about the game ahead and I for one hope the final will be as good as I’ve hyped it to be and that we have a fantastic ending for what to me, has been an incredible Summer online tournament!