ET Anniversary 6on6 ODC

image: Uzf9tyV
ET Anniversary 6on6 One Day Cup

Cup date: Sunday, the 15th of January, 19:00 CET (GMT +1)
Team format: 6on6
Sign ups: Europe Elysium, Europe exile, Netherlands imposito

Additional information:
Broadcast: Yes
Shoutcast: No

The mappool for the ET Anniversary 6on6 ODC is:
  • etl_supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • etl_adlernest
  • etl_frostbite
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • reactor_final (experimental)
  • bremen_b3
Netherlands Sebhes

Miscellaneous information:
Signups till 18:45 CET (GMT +1)
Check-in start from 18:00 till 18:45 CET (GMT +1)
Publication and start of the tournament at 19:00
Captains will be put in a seperate discord channel where communication takes place

If there are any questions that are not listed in the text above, please contact an admin.

Sign ups
In order to sign up, please send Netherlands Sebhes a private message that just includes your team name. Please don't forget to check in on the 15th of January, only teams that have done so will be able to participate in this tournament. Check in is done by sending a private message to Netherlands Sebhes.

Schedule for the ET Anniversary 6on6 ODC is:
Round 1: sw_goldrush_te
Round 2: reactor + losers pick
Semi Final: Both teams pick a map from the mappool
Grand Final: Both teams pick a map from the mappool

- In case of 8 teams or less, round 1 will be removed.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the cup! We can be reached on discord or through a Crossfire PM.

QuoteIn light of Tosspots' recent announcement, the future of this website is limited. Future news items will therefore be shared on different platforms, including discord, GamesTV, Facebook and more. Please stay tuned if you are interested in attending this event.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
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