
I have started working on this "CB Ladder Project" for the past 2 months. Initially this project was started by a really oldschool ClanBase Admin called United Kingdom Dussander, his job was to supervise Unreal Tournament, Guild Wars, AOE3 and apart from that he was a real asset to the Chiefs of Ladders (CoL) of ClanBase. You may ask "why?", apart from his Chief of Ladder work, he also made a huge ladder report of every game and every ladder on ClanBase, he started doing this from February 2007 and retired from the CB Crew in 2008. After he retired, this activity report was no longer continued as it was stated to be "a work for a trained monkey". I have gathered the information from March 2008 till December 2009 for ET only, and it took me around 2 months to gather all the information, as all of this had to be done manually. When i heared about all the outsanding work United KingdomDussander had done, I got very interested in continuing this report for our beloved game, Enemy Territory and maybe add another puzzle to Netherlands Wesbo's Column - Why did we stop using the ladders.

Gathering Information

The information was gathered in the following method - ClanBase has a feature for Supervisors, where all type of matches (challenged,accepted,declined,cancelled,result unconfirmed and confirmed results) are listed. So after selecting the information needed, in my case, only the confirmed results are to my interest, i have to select the Ladder ID (lid) and i will get a page of all matches that have been played within "x" ladder, it will only show 30 matches every page, else it would probably kill the site if it displayed 10000+ matches on one single page, meaning i had to browse through every page and check how many matches have been played for every month. (If in a month there were 300 matches, this would mean i needed to go through 10 pages, which contained 30 matches each), now imagine doing it for every single month and all ET Ladders from Feb 07 to Dec 09, really though work!

  • ET Stopwatch/Objective 1on1
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 2on2
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 3on3
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 5on5
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 3on3 (BN)
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 3on3 (PL)
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6 (PL)
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6 (UK)
  • Enemy Territory Stopwatch 6on6 (IT)
  • TCE Objective

  • Noshow wins count as matches aswell, since it calculates any confirmed score, unfortunately the only way to remove noshow matches from being listed in this report, would be by manually checking every match, and by the time it would be done, I would have probably aged by another 20 years.
  • Seasonal Ladder was not added as I need your feedback whether it should be included in the ladder report, should we consider it as a normal ladder?
  • The automatch was forced for 2 weeks in the 6on6 Ladder during December 2009.


So, what do we do from here? As United KingdomTosspoT stated in his Column - Get up Off of yo' Ass!. I can't force you to play ladder matches, but would it hurt if every clan out there would join & play ladder matches instead of random irc wars which don't really count that much? I need you, Crossfire, to answer these questions. You, the community decides the future of ET!

If you are interested in playing the ladders, here is the list of ladders available:

Depending on the feedback i get, I will be making a monthly report and maybe a more in-depth analysis, so don't be shy to suggest & report ideas.