Its back! The ET Top 10 returns, be it 2 months later than I said I would do it, but hey, it’s back! The ranking system is based on panellists giving their view on what teams should be ranked in the Top 10 based on a shortlist I created.

The lucky panellists were chosen through their achievement of reaching Eurocup or EMS. It was not anyone in particular, just any person in one team that I could get in touch with. My plan was also to ask 1 admin from CB and 1 from ESL, fortunately I managed to get into contact with Killerboy but due to no fault of ESL, I was not able to get in contact with any admin from them in time (sorry foamea!). Looking at it, it is a much improved ranking system, however due to time constraints (with this taking hours upon hours) and the weekend drawing ever closer, I wanted to get this up onto the brand new Crossfire 3.2. by tonight. So I have achieved one goal.
Anyway, I managed to hassle people on irc and on crossfire by askingthem to give me their opinion on what teams should make up the Top 10 based on lineup, achievements, current performances and potential. Each panellist was also requested to submit a statement, some produced magnificent statements, some not so good :P.

Unfortunately It is a rather quiet period for ET, with no lans being announced until early 2011 the main competitions at the minute are EC and EMS. Fortunately teams like Dignitas have excelled in creating competition and advertisement in W:ET by hosting a successful one day cup in which they awarded the winners with some hardware prizes. Rumours have it that orgs such as Giants Gaming and Speedlink are also planning something very similar, so stay tuned! Hopefully come end of January when I next do an ET Top 10, a lot of these teams if not all (unlikely) will still be together and active. It would also be nice for teams to strive to reach the top 10 and consider it some sort of achievement like some other games like COD4, TF2 and CSS do. There is also a lot of interest from orgs lately dipping their head into the wonderful scene of W:ET but not yet willing to take a team under their wings. Hopefully this list will help those teams still looking for that right support find a suitable organisation.

Regrettably this time I was not able to get reactions from the players and teams that made the top 10 and didn’t make it, but hopefully it will spark some debate and reactions on the website.
So without further ado I give you the panellists, the teams, the Top 10 ranking