image: 4puyx2

Ladies and Gentlemen throughout the years Tomislav 'chaplja' Zubcic has been among the most remarkable persons in the world of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Quite comfortably the virtual world lends itself to a disguise, a special place where people can be whoever they want to be or do whatever they like to do.

In this article I will be taking you to a journey where I will be interviewing chaplja, however, traditionally accompanied with a lot of controversy, he has had his fair share of ups and downs in the game as of late. What's distinct about Croatians is their rich heritage. Influenced by foreign peoples from both the Eastern and European sides, Croats have a history to boast of – and it is poised to inspire yours!

I hope you'll end up enjoying this article.

Advisable is to take a cup of coffee while reading, it might take a while