As usual, we are bringing you the Top 10 teams of the month, based on performance, for June 2011 as part of ET Cast. The teams considered for this month will have taken part in Clanbase Eurocup, YCN Spring Challenge or the SAGE Seeding tournament.

Please take into account that this was written before SAGE and was planned to be posted on the Thursday or Friday at the event, but I forgot to bring the file on USB.

The following teams are being considered for the top 10 positions for March 2011.

Europe Almighty
Germany Anexis eSports
Europe enhanced
Europe epic eSport
Netherlands gaming2perfection
United Kingdom Next Evolution
Denmark NORDIC eSport
Europe Queens
Europe Spot 16
Poland Squirtles
United Kingdom Team Dignitas
Europe Team Refuse
Germany Team reVeal
Belgium Team WinFakt
Germany teamoxid
Belgium Titanz
Germany wnbpro