About 2 months ago a gentleman approached me asking to get into writing on Crossfire. When I first saw who's nickname it was I had to do a double take. For the longest time this gentleman was someone that I looked up to as a god of RTCW. It took me many years of playing RTCW in the UK scene before I was able to get onto a stage where he was able to own me, but own me and my team quite painfully he did!

That mans name is of course Creamy and he's going to be introducing his approach to RTCW and team based gaming. Creamy was well known for being someone who was very much both the brains and the braun of an operation, but its his brains that he'll be dissecting for us here on Crossfire as he analyses what it takes to be a top team.

As one of the top players in European RTCW, he's going to be providing a different approach to looking at the dynamics of teamplay.

This week we start with an introduction to Creamy and his achievements to give you a background on the man for those of you who didn't play RTCW, next week we'll start to look more in depth as to what made his thought process so special!
