2011 had a great start with the announcement that the then small LAN event in Holland known E-Series, originally a small CoD4 only event, were to bring in Enemy Territory for its next edition. Adding to that a bigger 16 team tournament called SAGE was held in the well known Enschede WZZRD centre which was organised by Adroits midway through the year, countless organisations coming into ET that had never graced the scene before with most of the top teams at the SAGE tournament represented by well known or up and coming orgs.
Sadly the year is a tale of two seasons as the second half of the year kicked off with the previous seasons Eurocup final still unplayed and was eventually forfeit as WinFakt were unable to field a lineup, a 12 team ET only LAN event known as PHX was cancelled and the more recent Battle for Berlin competition, which had all the ingredients for a great seasonal competition was soured with the grand final being forfeit due to one of the finalists, Anexis, being unable to keep to the strict schedule set down by the organising staff - this season also saw the loss of a number of high profile organisations who had teams in the ET scene. Fortunately things got back on track right at the end of the year as Queens won Eurocup XXIV with TosspoT on hand to shoutcast. I think most people are hoping to put the second half of the year behind them and start afresh in 2012.
The next few pages give a summary of the biggest events of 2011
on article: Nice work
at BfB the extended layout has some errors, mouse control is Dutch and it said kick was 4th and above dQ was 4th ;(
As usual though its a great article and appreciate the time and effort you always put into them.
only if you count sqzz, but he wasn't part of anexis during the YCN / EC that they were dominating with 0 losses, and the only cup where anexis players jumped in was this EC i guess right? :d
#1 YCN - razz mind sqzz flopjehz toxic phyzic
#1 EC - razz mind sqzz flopjehz toxic phyzic
#1 BFB - clown kot mind nuggan perfo razzz
#1 EC - razz ross sqzz nuggan night flopjehz perfo mind
- @ sage extended results - you have to edit the nordic esport flag...add a dk to the [flag=] tag ;)