As recently brought up gB3 in his journal HERE xfire will have to move on at some point to the next game, as it did from RTCW to ET, that was a seemless transition that was rather logical, however the next step is not as much so.

The other games coming out in the series that xfire readers are used to are ET:Quakewars and RTCW2, however with RTCW 2 certainly 1 year or more away, and ET:Quakewars firstly some months away, and secondly my belief is that it will suit players more from a Planetside / BF2 background than those of RTCW, there will be a gap or lul of news.

gB3 suggests Quake 4 as the next step, and many former RTCW & ET'rs are already playing it. Should xfire bring up general Quake 4 and perhaps other news stories of eSports interest?
Would an article about Castlesteins formation be of interest, Castlestein featuring Darkie, Ankel and Pelle of ET and RTCW fame aswell as others, I for one was tempted to post of their return to Quake 4, but did not.
Would something like a CPL Winter newspost interest you? The event will be huge for those who have a vague interest in 1on1 deathmatch as it features the celebs of gaming.

The suggestion is not to stop people posting news about ET and RTCW on xfire, but to also give another topic. And ET and RTCW in their next phases will always dominate this site, there can be no doubt about that.

From my own standpoint as an admin, I look at my own input to xfire over the past 6 months, Other than my Quakecon column, I had written nothing of a journalistic nature on here for some time, unlike when I ran the "Care to debate" series many many months ago, there just isnt as much to write about for ET at this moment, my personal feeling is that ET is entering the Krea vs mysod eurocup RTCW stage.
When I read xfire, I really am bored by reading the constant ETTV ip's and fixtures from X cup, yes they need to be here, no doubt, but I remember when those posts came between other posts of interest. Now I look at the news section on the left and Baring Kreaturen going to RTCW and ETPRO all of the newsposts are related to a CUP and ETTV, which is fine but I like some meat in my sandwhich where as these posts are just the bread.

Quake 4 and other news would certainly not get to be the bread of this site, never would you see the GTV IP for Quake 4 for round 1 of the jolt q4 season on xfire, at least not on the main page.

The matter is COMPLETELY open for discussion, Raza and I had a 5 minute conversation about it tonight, and raised only the devils advocate points.

Input from the near on 5000 user community that we have is required before any decision can be taken, so please comment underneath

Would you like to see news of a certain level of interest from other games on xfire?
If not, why? Does the fact that you can filter them out not appeal to you?
Any thoughts you have are welcome and I stress the matter is completely open for discussion.

Fire away: