Dear xfire readers,

My name is slappa and I'm an etplayer from Australia. From what I've seen, recently various big leagues have unlocked m_pitch (because I don't really follow them, I'm not sure, but I think clanbase and other big leagues have) because of the recent Razer and Logitech mice, to even out the playing field. Recently there has been quite a bit of (entertaining) flaming going on about m_pitching, due to the fact that it is locked in the Australian league, and circumventing the pb restrictions is, according to the rules, cheating. Obviously with Mouseware, and especially Razer mice and their drivers, there isn't much you can do about catching m_pitchers out. Right?

Well, now there is. Myself, and other likeminded people decided that perhaps there is something we can do about it. So I did some research, and a long with a guy called SirSydAlot, we have been looking at creating some DLLs etc which could be incorporated into pb or, in the Australian league's case, COGS, a software application required to enter match servers. We plan for the anti-m_pitch to divide the x axis setting by the y axis, and if it comes up bad, it will be reported.

Whilst we haven't got everything done at this point in time, we do have all Logitech mice covered (we think), and are well on the way with Razer mice. We will carry out some testing, and hopefully our anti-m_pitch should (hopefully) be in place by the time finals come around in Australia.

What I hope happens here (unlike on the Australian and New Zealand community's forums, lots of rage, accusations flying all over the place) is that people get DISCUSS repurcussions, whether or not this is a good thing, and perhaps if it should be incorporated into PB. If tosspot/an xfire admin would mind making this into a column, I would be most appreciative.

slappa out

edit: I'm no actually against m_pitch. m_pitch was good until people started to abuse it, ie using a toggle, so that they could have the advantages as well as the disadvantages.

Following your contributions and thoughts, as well as further testing, perhaps we should seek out bani, and see about getting him to incorporate it into etpro. I mean, people circumventing cvar restrictions (ie "cvar unlocking") isn't really a good thing for the game, so perhaps bani might see it as worthy.