Brief info: Qtracker is a nice program much like that excuse called ASE, with the difference that qtracker actually works well..blah blah. It's one of those things which people aren't too willing to try as they've got the bog-standard approach working fine, but once they've tried it there 'ain't no goin back :O>.

For those of you who haven't tried it (and no it's far from new), it's basically more HLSW than ASE but outperforms both. You can ... without registering, or seeing any "pay me money" signs ... browse any / every server on ET and all its mods, plus a huge selection of other games, track your favourite servers / players, rcon administer servers & store passwords, instantly ping servers with steamlined pinging...the whole kit-and-kaboodle. I'm not trying to door-salesman this thing though, instead explain to those who would otherwise not know what I'm going on about below:

A small but nice little feature of Qtracker is the ability to add mapshots for server popup windows. Now, despite being far from 'pro', it does look better none-the-less, especially when you consider there wasn't any ET mapshot packs around before (on the net). So I decided to make it my thing to do this morning after my chicken sandwhich with mmm hellmans mayonnaise, and make a map pack for the thing. It's got all the competition maps, and I've even put it into a self-installer so all you have to do is double click the icon omgoat :O>.

And if you haven't tried Qtracker yet, at least give it a go kaythanks!

Qtracker download: