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I caught up with Rewind.ET's Belgium mesqjeh for an Exclusive Interview for #Talk.ET.

MesQ1's Introduction:

Hey, I'm Steven " MesQ1 " Van Acker, I'm 14 years young and from Belgium! I've already been playing ET for 2 years. It all started 2 years ago I made the clan 'revoLution' but when that clan folded. I made a new team and we joined up the multigamingclan Mirage.

We had a great time there , there it all started for me. We had an offer too join rewind.et and we took that offer with both hands, and now i'm still playing for rewind.et

What is it that keeps you playing ET?

The rewind.et team they are such nice guys...

What changes would you make to ET?


Do you agree with some critics that ET is dead?

No! ET is far away of death.

Do you currently play any other online games?

No I don’t. I'm only playing ET.

Where do you see yourself in 6 months time, with both the clan and yourself?

Without any arrogance, rewind.et belongs in the top 10 of ET teams at the moment, we are really playing great at the moment. Me... I guess I'm getting better and better with the days ;)

With the your EuroCup Qualifier Match vs. SixthSense coming up, what are your expectations for the cup, and do you think Rewind can go all the way?

I guess it would be a nice match. Although we already won them in an official without any problems ... but maybe they will surprise everyone!

If we win the Qualifier then i think we can go pretty far in EC.

What other competitions do you plan to take part in, in the near future?

We don't know yet, but if RtCW2 comes out, we will defiantly go to there!

If you could choose any current ET Players, who would your ideal 6v6 Squad be?


What is your most memorable moment in ET?

In the Last NC , BelgiumTeam Belgium vs United KingdomTeam UK for 3rd place. It was 0-2 for UK (we lost SupplyDepot ) and we were attacking on oasis they had a time of around 15 minutes. We planted at north with like 5 mins left. Everyone of us ( team BE ) died , but I was still behind the guns. An engineer ran into the gun ... defusing ... "killed by mesqi's rifle nade" ... engineer was revived, engineer defusing again ... "killed by mesqi's rifle nade". THE ALLIES WON! Then the match ended.

Apart from ET, what other hobbies do you have?

If I'm not on my PC, I'm always outside with some mates, playing football, running away from the police and so on. I'm also going out every Friday. I'm playing enough ET and I’m also caring enough about my life ;)

Whats your favourite music at the moment?

Pop and R&B

Do you have any shoutouts you want to make?

Riddla, Sec, Kris, Rapt6rr, RazZ, asd, kiNki, merC, Senn, Splodge, Rez, ziff ... And to all the ones who loves me (sorry for the ones who i forgot)

Interviewed By Splodge on Behalf of #Talk.ET @ Quakenet

#Talk.ET - Home of the Talk ET 6v6 Cup - Starting Soon - Sponsored By FPS Clanservers - www.FPS.net - www.TalkET.com