As a rule more coverage is good, but there’s always a limit. ET simply doesn’t have a large enough scene to keep everyone interested as things stand.

I’d use this term to express the current state of ETTv, it’s oversaturated. There’s simply too much of it devaluing the games being shown. Once ETTv were regarded as the pinnacle of Enemy Territory, the highlight of that weeks matches.

This is not meant in any way as an attack on the providers, who do an excellent job – take it as constructive critiscm. But this first week of the ClanBase Eurocup has seen every match broadcasted – you could say “great, that’s real progression”. But I disagree, it is to an extent, but where do you draw the line? Where there was once suspense and pre-match build up we now have "mundane & more of the same". For me there’s currently far too much ETTv.

Possible Solution

- Be more selective on matches cast
- Choose a “match of the week”
- Focus on one war per-group per match week (still cast other matches but not to the same extent)
- Once the group stages are over cast as many as desirable

It’s a common acknowledgement that the skill level is dropping around Europe, not deemed as high as it was previous seasons. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some exciting close matches. But people are continuously seeing the same clans play one another, on the same maps each week. This is clearly doing the most damage as there’s no pre-match build up.

Take the uQ vs Team Helix match, it kicked off Group B and we saw the former finalists take on the upcoming hopefuls in a three map thriller. But what coverage did that get? How many people where actually that bothered?

I’m going to reiterate, this is not an attack on the providers who do a fantastic job, putting themselves out both financially and their time for us, reaping little rewards.

It's mainly directed at CB, who do afterall, request the coverage. Should probably be posted in the forums and/or CB, but they don’t have any at the moment. This is simply an outlet for people to add their views & opinions.

Would people prefer a “Match(s) of the week” or are you happy with how it is?