Note: Please notice that this is not written as an official statement or suggestion of the team. Neither does it imply that ETTV will be charged for in the future. It is a collection of suggestions, and we want your opinion.

At the moment, ETTV is completely free of charge. No costs, availability for almost every game and the admins are willing to listen to complaints about lags and server crashes.

A poll has been set up yesterday whether people would want to pay for ETTV on demand - meaning they could watch any game on ETTV at any given time. The comments on this poll showed that most of the visitors had not clearly understood what was meant by this.

Germany arni has explained this idea:
I've built up a "library" of ettv games already containing >50 games (growing every week) and i was thinking about doing something with it.

It would be possible to play any demo at any time of the day on an own dedicated and password protected ettv server (~10 slots so you can invite your friends)

As i've started to build more and more functions into ettv it becomes more and more work and also costs more and more money (traffic, servers).
This function would truly be an extra feature i would have to ask money for to cover the costs generated by ettv.
Dont get me wrong - i dont want to get rich from it, i just cant keep setting up new ideas and functions without getting support for it.

arni has said it - we are talking about ETTV on demand, meaning that you could watch the games you want to watch at any time - no need to do that in the evening on crowded servers with lags, you can just watch it when you've got the time (maybe later in the evening, or the next day). You can revisit exciting games that were played some time ago.
Now you might think that you could also watch normal demos. That is right, but they will never give you the amount of excitement ETTV demos can give you. You are free to watch the game in-eyes of several players, as a spectator or just following one specific participant.

This is only one part of the possibilites we have. galahad has brought up another idea, which would be to set up an opportunity to donate via PayPal, where you could send some money if you want ETTV to be improved. A decent root server costs around 40 Euro per month. Think about what would be possible if only a 1000 gamers donated 1 Euro each. We could set up more stable ETTV, provide more slots, cover games which normally would not be covered because of a lack of slots. ETTV could become more professional. But don't think we will not work and improve ETTV without this donations thing - ETTV will continue to be improved, free of charge, for you.

This column mainly exists to get your feedback - what do you want, what do you think about these plans and do you have other suggestions - so please reply.