When I started to run cups a while ago, i never used to consider custom maps in the map pool. Why? Mainly because so many people dont like them, and when running cups, your trying to reach to the largest target audience available.

But this time round, the cup staff and I, decided to think outside the box - and this, along with Cash's article on Clanbas about reworking the ET ladders, is what has lead me to write this. There are so many custom maps out there that have failed to reach the European ET Scene, Frostbite and Special Delivery to name but a few. But why are us European Players against new maps so much?

Obviously there is a large debate going on at the moment, people saying ET is a dead game, and other people saying ET is more alive than ever, but im not surprised clans are leaving ET in search of something new when they are playing the same maps over and over again.

Even the latest xfire poll:


Suggests that people want new maps to play on, but small cups cant make a change in such a large community. In my opinion, clanbase needs to act - and act fast if we arent to see even more clans leaving ET in search for something new.
ET has so much to offer and we can see this from the large popularity of the game, and also how long it has lasted as a top online multiplayer FPS game. But something needs to change to draw teams back in, and, in my opinion but bringing a few new maps into the Clanbse Map List, it may be a good start for getting new maps recognised and played.

So many events are scared to put in newer maps because they know people are going to complain, but all new changes that happen have people complaining, even changes that have now become widely popular. We need to give new maps a chance, otherwise we are going to be left with the same 4-5 core maps for a long time to come.

Note: Posted as Column by request of some people who read my Journal - Origional Journal Entry can be found here: Link